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Daniel sat quietly across from Anahi, sipping on his iced tea. Anahi copied his action, taking a long sip from her hot chocolate, watching Daniel carefully. She set the mug of chocolate down and cleared her throat.

"How have you been?" She asked, finally making eye contact with the boy. Daniel glared at her.

"I don't know. It isn't everyday that my best friend ignores me for a crush." Daniel snapped, placing his cup down on the table rather harshly. Anahi only gave Daniel a look.

"You know Anahi, I have know idea how you were so oblivious to the fact that I like you. I like you so much. That day you told me that you liked Jonah, killed me. It killed me. I put my feelings aside for you. I became your wing man for fucks sake!"

Daniel was fuming by now. Anahi could tell. No only by the way his fist clenched, or because his face was redder then ever. But because in all their years of friendship that was the one and only time she ever heard him curse.

"I cried, over you." Daniel was calmer now. "I sat on the floor of the boys bathroom, holding onto Zach for dear life and cried. How pathetic!" Daniel scoffed. "I was so stupid to think you would like me back. So, so stupid." Daniel snatched up the plastic cup his smoothie came in and left the booth.

Anahi jumped up from her seat, running after Daniel. She clasped onto his arm before he could leave.

"No, let go of me."

"Solo callate y besame [just shut up and kiss me]"

And so he did.



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