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Its the last chapter [of the original book] omfg😭 enjoy 💓

Daniel had imagined this moment many times before. He had imagined many scenarios in which Anahi and himself would kiss, but he never thought it would happen in an nearly empty cafè.

The cafe has very few patrons. A few aww'd at the sight, and a few expressed their disgust for 'teenagers and pda nowadays', but that didn't bother Daniel at all. All that mattered, was the girl he'd fallen so hard for was finally kissing him.

Daniel was the first to break away, in need of air. He rested his forehead on Anahi's and gazed into her eyes.

The cafe was dead silent. Everyone was curious as to what would happen next. Even those who were annoyed by the kiss, wondered what would happen to the love struck teen and his female friend.

"I don't like you to the extent that you like me," Anahi started, looking to meet Daniels eyes.

"But, if you want me," she paused and breathed out. She knew Daniel would treat her with love, respect and kindness. She would fall for him in a matter of time. "You can have me." She broke eye contact for a moment, before looking at Daniel once more.

"Wait, really ?!" Daniel asked, excitedly. Anahi smiled and nodded. Daniel only smirked, let go of her hands, and walked out of the cafe.

Omg this book is completed what?! 😭😭😭😭

Thank you for all the reads, comments, and votes. Until next time,

-Cura ❤

(P.S.: stay tuned for the details on the sequel. )

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