Chapter 2

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Mood: Happily by: One Direction


Getting married to Zayn was hard to do, but I wouldn't​ trade our love or our marriage for anything.

I remember when we first met I was a sophomore and he was a junior. I was new to the school and he was the popular kid from the football team. As cliché as it sounds nerd meets football player and fall in love. Our story is no different than a corny disney movie but I guarantee what we have is real.

Besides how nerdy and gross I dressed in high school, he saw past that he saw past my zits, unruly curly hair and saw me, Harry; and he loved me for it.

Getting past the fact that I had a hideous face in high school, Zayn was the complete opposite he's always had wonderful skin and hair.

Like I said before, marrying Zayn was hard. My parents are religious and hated the idea of gay people. I hadn't told my parents when I was seeing Zayn in high school they would've flipped their shit if they knew.

But of course I invited them to the wedding anyways but they refused to come. It still hurts to know that even with a medical PhD and a stable job and home I'll never be good enough for them.

But as many things, it took time to realize and appreciate what I have in front of me, it took time to realize that the only approval I need is from my husband whom I love and I know that he feels the same.

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