Chapter 9

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'You are old!' said Ledward, barely getting up from hibernation pod.

'Still younger than you.' teased Lawrence, helping him catch the balance and handing him vomit box.

They had reached the destination, Origae-6 was visible through the windows of the Covenant and it was high time to wake up. After Ledward's words, Lawrence thought she only looks older, but inside she was still little girl seeking place to hide.

'You really didn't sleep for those seven years?' asked Ledward.

'In fact I did. Walter convinced me to take a break.'

'How long then?'

'Just three years and couple of months.'

'Better than nothing. I am so fucking hungry, I could eat a horse. Please tell me we got something better than that sticky liquid for breakfast.'

'That sticky liquid contains protein and vitamins you need after cryosleep, so do not complain. And if you eat it, you can have some spagetti and dessert.'


Lawrence smiles misteriously. 'Yes... Walter made something special.'


When Daniels opened her eyes, first thing she saw was Walter face. He smiled gently, despite he was very nervous how this first meet, after so long time, will be.

'Hi.' she said grining.

'Hello, Daniels. How are you?'

'Great, I suppose.' Daniels slowly rose up from tube, but her legs were still weak and she would have collapsed if Walter hadn't held her in time.

'Not so fast.' he pulled her gently back to the sitting possition, but Dani was impatient.

'Walter? Where are we?'

With wide smile he answered: 'Home.'

When also Tennessee woke up, and all crew was complete, they got the sticky liquid, Ledward heated so much, and then went to the canteen, for true meal. Walter in fact had prepared that one special meal since two days. He had used last product from Earth. Last packet of flour and pasta, last eggs and rice. Now they were depending on what they will grow. Of course greenrooms were full of fresh vegetables and fruits, but apart from that, they will have to start culitvating the earth on their new planet.

'Is that pizza?' Daniels was sniffing, while they entered the canteen. She looked at Wlater, who smiled modestly and nodded.

'I am more into something to drink.' said Tennessee also looking at the android.

'Do not bother yourself, I thought about it too.'

'So Lawrence, tell us how your maniac friend David is? Did you fix him?' asked Ledward, when everyone took a seat and began to eat. Lawrence sent quick glipse to Walter, he nodded gently, so she answered: “Indeed, I fixed him.'

There was silence and the three faces of a crew looked at her with surprise.

'So he... works?' inquired Daniels.

'Yes, he's like new one and he doesn't remember anything.'

'Thanks God.'

'Walter was taking care of him, when you were sleeping?' asked Ledward, taking piece of fresh bread.

'No, I wasn't. I just looked at him from time to time, checking what is he doing.' Walter answered.

Lawrence face turned sad, when she rememberd how glad David was when he saw her an hour ago. He had to stay in the lab for three years, and he was all alone.

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