Thank God I'm Pretty

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Lolita Summers was always such a pretty girl and with her beauty came horrible things. Lolita was  so perfect no one could compare and he wanted that. 

He liked his little girls to resemble pretty little dolls, with the porcelain skin, dark eyes, dark hair, and Lolita resembled that. So he took her, wasn't quite that difficult to do, hid her away so her skin would never change, her hair never lighten, so she would be his little girl forever.

Forever was not a possibility for him though, Lolita's parent's made sure of that they brought her back ten years later at seventeen years old, and not being aware what it is really like to live, without the responsibility of someone else to tell you everything that you need to do.

No one knows how difficult it is for her, to become a totally different person then she has been use to being. Never before had she lifted a finger in his care everything was handed to her on a silver platter, now she must do everything for herself, and to say it was difficult was an understatement.

She has been so traumatized that she wants nothing more to do then to escape everybody, she's paranoid, scared and hates everything about herself. 

She doesn't know who she is, or what she should do. The only person who seems to get her, is her neighbor, the strange, imperfect, and Gothic Shane.

What would you do, if you were so use to being someone else, that you could not remember who you really are?

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