day two

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MINHYUK couldn't focus on anything today.

not history class - obviously, since he never paid much attention to history anyway - not maths, not even his lunch, which he had picked at mindlessly before tossing it away five minutes ago.

and it was all because of one person.

"dude, what's gotten into you?" jooheon waved his hand in front of minhyuk's face, snapping him out of his daze for the millionth time that day. "you've been seeming really out of it today. is it because of hyungw-"

"no!" minhyuk frantically slapped a hand over jooheon's mouth, whipping his head around to see if anyone had heard them and nearly getting whiplash in the process. he removed his hand only after he realized that everyone was too busy engaging in their own conversations to actually hear anyone else's.

"sorry," minhyuk apologized, wiping his hand on his ripped jeans and seeing the look of mild disgust on jooheon's face as he rubbed his lips vigorously with a sleeve; god knows what minhyuk had touched since the last time he washed his hand. "well, technically it isn't. he told me to get the essay from him during lunch break."

"where is he?" jooheon asked, finally content with the cleanliness of his lips. "all you have to do is get the essay from him, it's not that hard."

"he told me to go inside the gym, and specifically said to make sure no one saw me." minhyuk lowered his voice to a harsh whisper. "the gym, jooheon. the place where people get beaten up, where people fuck under the bleachers, and that's not even half of it. on top of that, he's chae hyungwon, the guy that asked me to be his fuck buddy a day ago? you're the person who was sure he wasn't kidding, and now you're telling me it's not that hard?"

"okay, okay." jooheon blinked, knitting his brows in concern. "then what do you want me to do?"

"so here's the plan. i go inside the gym while you stay outside the door so he won't know you're there." minhyuk traced an invisible map layout with his index finger, chewing on his bottom lip. "the walls are pretty soundproof, but if he tries anything funny, i'll shout as loud as i can, and you can probably hear me if i do it loud enough. got it?"

"well, if it makes you feel better, than sure."

"perfect," minhyuk sighed, standing up with a look of half-defeat, half-determination. "let's go."

the journey from the main school building to the gym was pretty successful -- there was nobody in sight since it was still lunchtime. minhyuk could feel his heartbeat steadily picking up speed the closer they got, his whole body tingling with apprehension.

"stay there," he mouthed to jooheon, who nodded and quietly made his way over to the flaking, off-white wall on the left side of the building which minhyuk was pointing at. once he was sure that jooheon was mostly concealed behind a few bushes, he pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside, the slightly-rusty hinges groaning in protest. the only source of light was coming from the doorway and several windows too high up to look out from - either the construction workers weren't professional enough, or it was that they were installed solely for the purpose of illumination - so he had to squint to just barely make out a hyungwon-shaped silhouette in the large, empty space.

"close the door behind you."

the voice that echoed throughout the room served as a solid confirmation that the figure leaning against the wall a good distance away was indeed hyungwon. swallowing thickly, minhyuk did as he was told before turning back around and walking towards him, worn-down adidas sneakers screeching against the wooden tiled floor. as minhyuk's eyes slowly got used to the darkness, he stopped in front of hyungwon, and he saw a stack of paper in his hand. he raised his own hand out impatiently.

"you know, even in near complete darkness you're still just as adorable," hyungwon observed, his voice now dropped to almost a whisper. he stepped forward and held the stack of paper in front of minhyuk's hand, who was about to take it when he swiftly lifted it even higher, just out of reach.

"hey! i don't have time for this, so stop fucking around!" minhyuk tiptoed and tried to jump up to reach it, but it still wasn't enough and he nearly lost his balance in the process, his back slamming against the wall with a dull and firm thud. hyungwon chuckled, an amused smile faintly tugging at his lips.

"did you forget our promise? i'm hurt. if all you're going to do is get mad at me, i'm afraid i can't give this to you." hyungwon waved the papers in front of minhyuk tauntingly, and the latter clenched his fists before sighing and nodding.

"i didn't forget."

"good." hyungwon smiled even wider now, and minhyuk could swear on his life he barely blinked before the taller was suddenly inches away from him, his free hand slamming against minhyuk's face with a strong thud, reverberating off the walls; he froze, feeling the force of hyungwon's hand through the cold wall that was pressed against his back. his breath hitched, and he found himself unable to move away -- his feet felt like they were fastened to the ground, his hands shaking. hyungwon leaned even closer, his hot breath fanning against minhyuk's ear, sending chills down his spine. "because you have no idea what i want to do with you."

hyungwon shifted his position so that his thigh pressed against minhyuk's crotch, and the latter gave a quiet gasp before clenching his teeth to prevent from emitting any more noises.

"i want to kiss those lips of yours, to make you moan my name, to fuck you until you can't walk straight for the next week," hyungwon muttered, rubbing his thigh up and down lazily in a slow rhythm, and minhyuk nearly whined.

"in fact, i could take you right here and now, and it wouldn't be the first time i've done something like this. but as tempting as it is, i know your friend is outside, and i'd hate to make him think something bad is happening to you." hyungwon paused, kissing minhyuk's red-hot cheek and pulling away, and the latter let out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding. hyungwon held the papers up a second time, which he took, barely finding the strength to lift his hand. "i hope my teasing wasn't too much for you, that would make it difficult to explain to your friend. classes are starting, don't be late."

staring at hyungwon's backside, now growing smaller as he walked to the exit, minhyuk slumped against the wall, knees now reduced to jelly. he was left to hear his own heavy breathing in the dark, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. from the corner of his eye he saw jooheon running over to him.

"hey, are you okay? did he do anything to you? i didn't hear anything from outside, so i thought everything was fine-"

"i'm fine," minhyuk interrupted, his voice a pitch higher than normal. jooheon hoisted him up, and he managed to stand up, legs still feeling a bit wobbly. he cleared his throat. "let's get to class."

seven days ; hyunghyukOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora