day three ; pm

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"WHEN you told me we were going shopping, i didn't think you meant we were going to shop for me."

minhyuk would be lying if he said he hadn't pictured himself holding bags and bags of expensive clothes solely meant for hyungwon like ornaments hanging on a christmas tree. but to his surprise, the current situation was quite the opposite; hyungwon had spent most of the afternoon choosing clothes that he had deemed fit for the raven-haired boy, before forcing him to try them on. to be completely honest, it kind of felt like having a sugar daddy -- if a high school student could actually be one, that is.

"well, i don't see why not," hyungwon replied, as he paid the cashier and walked out the store with minhyuk following by his side.

"look, i know you're rich and all that, but i really don't think it's a good idea to waste your money on me," minhyuk began, but was interrupted when hyungwon suddenly halted to a stop in front of the elevator doors.

"'waste your money'? i don't think it's a waste at all. if anything, i think it's for a good cause," the brunette stepped inside the elevator, pressing the floor button of the underground parking lot. "not to be rude, but your wardrobe choice is really bad."

"wow, thanks," minhyuk said dryly, the ding of the elevator indicating that they had arrived at their destined floor.

"here, put the bags in the trunk," hyungwon tossed minhyuk his car keys, which he struggled to catch. "oh, and by the way, it's your turn to drive."

"what? you were literally driving just fine hours ago," minhyuk protested, but hyungwon was already opening the door of the front passenger's seat.

"i need to rest my body. i know for a fact you have a driver's license, so don't try to lie to me," he warned, closing it off with a slam of the car door.

minhyuk sighed to himself, stuffing the bags into the fairly ample-sized car trunk before walking to the driver's seat. this week was definitely going to be a long one.

"just drive according to the gps," hyungwon instructed, once minhyuk had plopped himself down on the seat of the car.

"where are we going, exactly?" minhyuk asked, a bit skeptical. the gps only showed the path to drive and the estimated arriving time, which showed nearly an hour from now. "and why is it so far from here? it's already 7:48, and i still have to get home, you know."

"you'll see when we get there," the brunette hummed, tapping his fingers on the arm rest. "what's there to worry about? it's only saturday."

minhyuk didn't bother to argue, knowing that hyungwon had a point. from the corner of his eye, he saw the brunette looking at his phone, and with a quick glance confirmed that he was now texting someone. "who're you texting?"

"aw, getting jealous already?" hyungwon cooed softly, leaning as close to minhyuk's neck as he could, with the safety belt serving as a hindrance (much to the relief of one, and to the mild irritation of another). "don't worry, it's just hoseok."

"h-hey! don't distract the person in charge of driving, do you want us to die in a car crash or something?" minhyuk protested, rubbing the spots on his neck where he still felt traces of hyungwon's warm breath, and trying not to take his eyes off of the road at the same time.

"alright, alright," hyungwon pouted, but obliged and pulled away. minhyuk let out a quiet sigh. was it just him, or had the inside of the car gotten hotter?

"do you listen to heize?" the brunette asked suddenly, and minhyuk almost didn't hear him by how unexpected it was.

"sometimes. why?"

seven days ; hyunghyukWhere stories live. Discover now