day four

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"HEY, minhyuk? wake up, we have a big day ahead of us."

minhyuk felt a hand shake his shoulder gently. it took him about five slow, sleepy seconds for him to register hyungwon's voice right next to his ear.

"just.. five- no, two more minutes," he pleaded, curling up even tighter in the blankets.

"i'm afraid not. you should take a shower before we leave."

hearing the brunette, it finally dawned on minhyuk just what had happened the previous night. he blinked, springing upright and whipping his head wildly to face the other with an expression of half-shock, half-embarrasment. the latter only smiled knowingly.

"here's your clothes."

without a word, minhyuk shuffled towards the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind him before taking a quick shower, rinsing away his morning drowsiness and muddled thoughts.

i- i let him fuck me. i can't believe i did that. lee minhyuk, what were you thinking?! he squeezed his eyes shut, gritting his teeth and hitting his head against the wall.

no, he shook his head rapidly. the past is the past. just do whatever he wants today, and go home safely. don't do any stupid shit.

"that was longer than expected." hyungwon looked up at him from the tv once he stepped outside.

"i was thinking."


"about why oranges are called oranges but bananas aren't called yellows," the raven-haired boy replied in a voice dripping with sarcasm, rolling his eyes. "it's none of your business."

"that's mean." hyungwon pouted. "anyways, are you ready? i've already packed up all of our things. let's go."


"you'll see very soon."


minhyuk had honestly expected for hyungwon to tell him to drive again, but this time hyungwon had only given him a mysterious smile before slipping into the driver's seat. after a long while of silence in the car (with music playing in the background), minhyuk finally decided to try asking again.

"so... where are we going?"

"to the amusement park," the brunette hummed casually, not looking away from the road.

"the amusement p-... wait, really? oh my god, i've always wanted to go to one!" minhyuk failed to contain his excitement upon the mention of an amusement park.

"i know. that's why we're going." hyungwon had a smile painted across his lips.

"you do? how?"

the brunette finally turned his head to look at the other briefly, who was staring back at him with wide, twinkling eyes.

"i have my information network," he answered simply. "now get to sleep. you'll need to save energy for later."


"woah.. this place is huge."

"of course it is. take a look at the map and see which one you'd like to ride." hyungwon passed over a folded map to minhyuk, which he fumbled to pry open for a bit before inspecting it thoroughly.

"how about that one?" the raven-haired boy pointed to a small spot with his finger. hyungwon squinted to see that it was, in fact:

the biggest, longest, and most terrifying roller coaster in the whole park.

seven days ; hyunghyukWhere stories live. Discover now