day five

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HYUNGWON didn't appear at school the following day.

"are you going to drop dead the moment you stop tapping your fingers on the table or something?" jooheon whisper-shouted during english class. there was no surprise as to why he would think so -- minhyuk hadn't stopped fidgeting in his seat for even half a second since morning. he didn't see the brunette during the breaks in between classes, nor at lunchtime, where he usually sat next to hoseok and a bunch of other top-rank visuals (and usually with a bunch of thirsty people surrounding them, mostly fake girls and their fake ass eyelashes).

"yes," minhyuk hissed back, still tapping his fingers on the desk and biting on the end of his pencil, his test sheet left completely forgotten even though it was right in front of him. his eyes kept darting between the teacher sitting at the front to the window facing the hallway, waiting to see a tall figure breeze past their classroom at any time. luckily for him, the teacher was too focused on watching his drama (or porn, god knows) on the computer to care about his students at the moment.

and finally, after what felt like a lifetime - which might as well have been fourteen - the final bell rang, signalling that school was over. within half a second, people were already starting to pack up and preparing to head out, the classroom filling with voices asking where they should go, like sing karoake or do some gaming at the internet cafe.

"so, wanna hit the arc- hey, where are you going?" jooheon called out after minhyuk, who was already halfway out the door with his backpack in one hand and his phone and coat in the other.

"sorry can't talk okay see you tomorrow bye!"

thus jooheon was simply left standing there, hand half raised and interrupted mid-sentence.

"god damn it... if he's not leaving me hanging so he could secretly hook me up with hoseok, i'm gonna kick his ass all the way to the south pole."


and so minhyuk found himself two doors down from his own classroom, standing in front of a certain hot looking and pale-skinned senior.

"sorry, but hyungwon isn't here today to take any requests. maybe you could try tomorrow-"

"i know he isn't. that's why i came here looking for you," minhyuk interrupted, trying to brush off the curious stares of people in hoseok's class behind him.

"me? uh, i don't do any job of that kind," hoseok said, while stepping aside from the classroom exit to let several people walk out.

"no, i was going to ask if you knew why he isn't here."

"he only said that he was going to be staying at home today, and he didn't say anything else after that."

"then..." minhyuk chewed on his bottom lip. "could you take me to his house?"

"his house? i don't think it'd be a good idea to let just anyone-... hey, wait." hoseok squinted his eyes, then widened them as if he had just realized something. "you're that minhyuk kid he helped out last time, right?"

"um, yeah?"

"then that explains a lot." hoseok's smile grew wider, showing off that trademark curl of the corners of his lips (wow, the gossip of him being flawless really wasn't a lie). "sure, i'll take you to visit. just let me go grab my things and then we'll be on our way."

"wait, seriously?" minhyuk was surprised by how quickly hoseok had agreed to it. "you're not even gonna ask why i want to visit him?"

"nope, i'm sure you have your reasons. i mean, hyungwon's fuck buddy actually being willing to care about him when he doesn't show up? you don't get to see that everyday, huh?" hoseok simply answered, before heading inside to pack up.

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