day six

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"AND then he kissed me."

"you're fucking kidding."

"no, i swear on my life i'm serious!"

jooheon was in the middle of trying to convince minhyuk that hoseok had ended the past night - which they mostly spent together - in a kiss.

"so you're telling me, yesterday when you were alone at the arcade he walked up to you and suddenly asked to hang out," minhyuk repeated in a skeptical tone.


"obviously you agreed to it, and you two just gamed the night away before he treated you to dinner."


"so finally he took you home on his motorbike, not to mention the motorbike that probably only, like, three people have been on, and before you went inside, he grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss before grinning and riding away into the sunset or something?" minhyuk finished with a roll of his wrist.

"the sun was already set before that. it was night time."

"i don't care. but that's basically it, right?"

"yeah. and it was amazing." jooheon was literally shining from how brightly he was grinning.

"might as well have lost a glass shoe, cinderella." minhyuk pretended to roll his eyes in disbelief.

"i'm telling you, all of that actually happened!" jooheon put his hands on each of minhyuk's shoulders and shook it, before huffing and leaning back on his chair. "never mind. of course you wouldn't believe it, 'cause you weren't there."

minhyuk knew better than to tell jooheon that he was the one who planned all of it.

...well, except for the kiss. that was hoseok's own idea.

"eh, agree to disagree." the raven-haired boy simply shrugged.

jooheon pursed his lips, reaching out to flick minhyuk's forehead ('ow!') "what about you and lover boy, then?"

minhyuk nearly choked on his saliva, emitting a weird noise between a cough and a gag. "me and what?"

"i heard from a certain someone that he heard you were in a rush to look for chae hyungwon." jooheon could literally not look more evil right now. "so how'd that go?"

minhyuk opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't form any words. thankfully, luck was on his side for a brief moment as the class bell rang, the other classmates scrambling back to their seats as the teacher walked in, jooheon hurriedly turning back to face forward too.

the raven-haired boy heaved an inaudible sigh of relief. come to think of it, jooheon's question was a good one, one that he'd like to know the answer to himself - because yeah, what about him and hyungwon? what were they? the term fuck buddies was an overstatement; they had only ever fucked once (which admittedly was about twenty times less than minhyuk had expected). but to say friends with benefits would also be unfitting, since they were far from friends.

his thoughts were interrupted by the teacher tapping his long ruler on his desk loudly, and his train of thought skidded to a sudden halt. "the answer's twenty three!" he yelled out in shock, sitting bolt upright and his head turning to look up at the teacher.

"i was asking if you needed a moment, but that's close enough." the look in his eyes was one of slight amusement and exasperation.

minhyuk grit his teeth upon hearing the snickers and giggles of everyone in the classroom, including jooheon whose backside was trembling from holding in his laughter. "actually, i need to go to the restroom. now if you'll excuse me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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