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(will be deleting later)

hey everybody!! i know i haven't updated in like 17 years and i'm so sorry for that,, as i said on my notice board a few weeks ago, school's been getting really busy lately and i've barely been able to get on wattpad.


if my estimations are correct and nothing else big suddenly comes up, then technically speaking, i should be able to get this back on track by the beginning or middle of july. seems like a long time, i know, dkfhdk,, but i'll try my best to write it in between my free time as well during june!

i think that's all i have to say for now,, i've said this endless times, but i seriously can't thank you all enough for being so patient for me, and for appreciating this book in all its glory. i hope the next few chapters won't disappoint you all!!! ily guys ♡♡♡

seven days ; hyunghyukМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя