Chapter 22

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Reflection. Rejoice got home Friday morning and was picked up from the airport by her oldest daughter, Prudence. Prudence was the spitting image of her father and her paternal grandmother. She hardly looked like Rejoice had birthed her. Her tall, thin frame was made from the same mold as Derek's mother, Cherise, and all three of them had the same light brown, oval face. "Mama, I cannot believe you are finally home! I wish you would stay. I miss you too much!" she said, turning on to the Beltway.

"I miss you too, Prue, and I will come home one day," Rejoice said, and laughed. The reason it was funny was because it was her standard answer when her girls asked her to stay home.

"Where's your sister, at school?" she asked.

"That's where she should be," Prudence responded. Rejoice shook her head and said, "We can only hope." "She gets out of class early on Friday, so she'll be home in a little while. She said for us not to do anything without her," Prudence added and smiled. "That's fine with me, all I want is a shower and my bed anyway," her mother replied, thinking of Kyle and how much she missed him.

Rejoice undressed and was stepping in the shower, when her phone vibrated. Kyle texted her to say hello and that he hoped she had a good trip. Yeah! She responded that she was doing well and she missed him. Maybe he'll come take me out to dinner or something, she thought, smiling as she got in the shower.

Kyle deleted her text and sat at his kitchen table thinking about Joice. All he seemed to do lately was think about Joice. Candy had already asked him what was wrong twice, and he thought he was covering nicely. She was at the hair salon and the boys were at school, so Kyle was enjoying some much needed alone time. He shook his head as he thought about how complicated his life had suddenly become. His new girlfriend would surely wonder why he did not attempt to see her, since they were home and Dante was not here. Girlfriend, Kyle? Really? He laughed at himself. At least he managed to call her a couple of times before she left Afghanistan. Kyle was ruminating over being separated from her and not being able to touch her for the next two weeks. He would love to go see her, but there was just no way. He had to spend time with his mother and when he wasn't with her, Candy had something planned for everyday he was home. Plus, he just wouldn't do that to his wife... not right under her nose.

The following Friday, Rejoice thought it was strange she did not hear from Kyle anymore. She called him once, but he did not answer or return her call. She assumed they were still on for Dubai, but he had not yet shared his plan. Joice would have to tell Dante something and he would surely have to change all of her travel arrangements, because she didn't do that sort of thing. Dante was so good about matters like that. He arranged and paid for everything and simply told her which airline and what time to be at the airport. A pang of guilt floated through her stomach as she thought about how she was cheating on him with Kyle. She was so relieved when he could not make this trip. Rejoice never in her life slept with two different men at the same time. Well... not really. The worst part was, in her heart she knew she should not be sleeping with either one of them. Sex outside of marriage was against everything she believed. Being with Kyle only added to her sin. Dear God, I should not have let this go so far.

The woman in her could not believe she was cheating. This was totally out of character for her. She had never been a cheater and now the one time she ventured out, she had to fall for the guy. And being Rejoice Battle, she couldn't just fall, she was sinking fast....

Project WhoresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora