Something Serious I Need To Say

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Lately, things have been going downhill for me. I've been caught cheating on a test, thus leading to that test getting torn to pieces by the worst teacher on Earth, also causing my already-terrible classmates to level-up their bullying, calling me stuff like Kodigo-Girl, and throwing dead/live cockroaches at me.

My grades in home economics are also dropping radically due to me getting caught cheating, and Jo won't be happy about that when she picks up my report card. My reputation has also dropped and people now know me as the bitch who had the guts to cheat on a test---in a school where there are no such things as delinquents.

There's also the fact that I have depression and anxiety, as well as my early signs of psychosis, and my ADD getting worse. I find it harder and harder to focus on one thing for more than a minute, and I continously live in a fantasy that I can't break away from.

I've slowly grown distant from my friends, both online and real-life. My fears have also gotten worse.

So yeah, I've been considering suicide, and I actually have a solid plan. I know I sound like an attention whore right now and I seem like I'm faking it to get attention, I'm not.

I'm just letting you guys know that Fandom U may not be like I dreamed it to be.

There may be no epic battles. No cheesy love stories. No weddings. No corny references...I decided that I will entrust my closest friends my password so they will continue it for me. I know they'll fuck it up, but at least the book gets finished.

As always,

Lots of LoVe, scooping, jutsus, sins and murder,

~Fran Creeps

P. S. I love you all. Stay Creepy!

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