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i have not posted for about 3 months, as i have not come up with poetry i felt was worthy of being in this book recently. it has been a crazy journey. I remember starting this book with fears and doubts of whether anyone would even enjoy or read. i remember trying to come up with a catchy description, though now reading it, it really is quite mundane. i remember posting the first couple chapters outside my counsellor's office and wondering if anyone was interested in reading. i remember walking home after school and letting poems flow into my head. i also remember that when i posted the chapters about the tea party, i was walking to a bus stop beside a reservoir, and was so caught up with putting all my words and thoughts into the chapter, that I'd nearly missed my bus. it has been fun. having people comment, having others seem to like what i write. i have written for about 4-5 years now, and quite frankly, whether i have improved or not, writing is still a large part of me that i embrace wholeheartedly. there has been more exposure since i started. i have recently been asked to come up with a poem for the school's yearbook. it's been one hell of a ride. thank you for the ones who stayed and read, the ones who have been there from the start. my friends who vote on nearly every chapter, you know yourselves.

this book is special to me as it really shows my journey with poetry start to end, and i am truly grateful to all those who have encouraged me on my way. from 2 readers per chapter, i have some chapters with over 30 reads now. that is truly remarkable for me. it's a small number but it shows that 30 people have seen my work. 30 who might've enjoyed it. 30 who shared a part of my life with me.

and thus, this marks the ending to the book "WANDERERS". thank you to the one who made my cover, it hasn't changed since forever.

thank you.

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