Escaped the bats claws

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Hi guys! Otto von Bismarck here! this is my first story, so please give some critical revieuws(be like the nostalgia critic, so i do not have to) Oh and my keyboard is failing me, so i have all the words, sentences and all that written out fully. anyway, enjoy!



bold Italic- 3rd person


*Reader POV*(memories)*

Nnngghhh...i seem to have shook "her "for now...but for how long will i be able to hide?

All i know is, it will not be long until "she"finds me...and then...its either fight or concede my defeat.

sigh...the worst is yet to come, is it not? any case, i will make my last fight a hell for "her "to remember.

That was 2 days ago...near the Hakurei shrine...However, as expected, "she"killed Reimu as soon as "she" saw her

*Reader POV(present day)*

And now here i the middle of water...nothing. Well,i did ask Cirno for some water or ice for that matter. After that i told her to away to somewhere distant and hide, but Cirno being Cirno...well...she did not, and i think you can easily figure out what happened next 

she got murdered brutally by "HER

You may ask yourself: (YN)...why are you continuously referring to your stalker as "her"?

Well..let me explain-

suddenly someone screamed not far away from me...i knew who screamed, and i knew the culprit a little too well

Heh, sorry, i gotta go real fast now, or i will be not be seeing the sunlight anymore.

Suddenly..maniacal went on an borderlined screaming now...(YN) as fast as your legs can take you, and maybe even faster

And by the lord, i ran, i ran so fast even a leopard would be jealous...but of course, having wings gives you a tactical edge. 

I turned to look

Big mistake

"She" was around 10-12 feet away from me, with a sadistic grin on her face...

*YN POV (Present day )*

Oh lord... what do i do?! 

My otherwise calm demeanor was starting to fail me, as i was shivering in fear

  "She"  seemed very eager to answer my question for me.

   "She" inched closer, until she was unnervingly close to me, she started to touch my face and whispered: 

    " Oh but my dear (YN), soon to be husband, here is exactly what you will do... " 

The tone of her voice did not appeal to all. 

 "She "went on...  

    " First, you will start calling me Remilia, and secondly, you will come with me, and be my husband(and maybe sometimes please my sister too) " 

I spoke, loud and clear, despite all of my fears

   " will have to chase me through Siberia to Lappi while fighting Finnish ski-troopers and Spetznas..i will not concede to your fantasies!

Before Remilia got another chance to speak again, i pushed her away, summoned a blizzard, and dissapeared

You know, i am not weak, i have powers inherited from the Wizard of Ice, no that is not Cirno, His name remains to be classified. It enables me to summon blizzards, sharp icicles, iceballs, walls of ice, ice spikes and all that. It makes me able to do at least something against Remilia.

I just got a brilliant plan! Oh (YN) you stupidhead! why did you not think of this before! I must head toward the north pole and its glaciers, i may be able to meet the wizard there... and maybe if i am lucky, some of his friends

Suddenly, i was pulled into the tall grass by someone.At first i freaked out, but then i noticed blonde hair.


welp, that is it for now! Marisa saves the day!

for now...

and also, did you find out who i was referring to as the Wizard of Ice?

Yandere Remilia Scarlet x Male! human Reader X Marisa KirisameWhere stories live. Discover now