The calm before the storm

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Wellidy wellidy boys n girls! another chapter for you all, this one will be a very, VERY calm one, but as the title suggests...things wont stay calm forever.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


(YN) "Thanks for letting me stay, miss Margatroid."

(Alice) "Aw, do not mention it! also, just Alice is fine!"

(YN) "Okay, but, there is something i need to tell you, it is the reason why i cannot stay forever"

(Marisa&Alice)"Oh, tell us!"

(YN) "I need to go to the glaciers, the north pole, there i will find the Wizard of Ice, not Cirno, but someone whose name i cannot tell you"

(Alice) "I am pretty sure that whoever it is you are searching for, is not here, you will need to travel through dimensions, and we all know Yukari is not going to allow that!"

(YN) "He is certainly here, i can feel his presence, and i can feel he is become increasingly powerful here, which is only a good thing"

(Marisa) "Do we need to fear this man you are talking about?"

(YN) "No, definitely not, he only acts when he knows, not thinks, but knows you are doing crimes"

(Marisa) "Ah okay, well, that certainly makes thins look less grim"

(YN) "it does, Marisa"

(YN) "Say Alice, do you perhaps have a piano?"

(Alice) "Yes i do, why do you ask?"

(YN) "Before i got here, i mastered a little song from a place called Russia, called Kazotsky Kick"

(YN) "You have to dance like this:(Proceeds to do kazotsky kick)"

(Marisa) "My god (YN) how do you DO that?!"

(YN) "Practice, lots of practice, but i see the piano is over there, so i will play it now"

(this is what you can now magically play!)

(Marisa) "it certainly makes me want to dance,its just that i do not really want to break my legs haha!"

(Alice)"Me neither, but this is impressive, i mean, i only know slower songs!"

(YN) "That would be more european, but i am not really a fan of that, i prefer my Russian songs, like Soviet march, which is from the USSR era, want to hear it? "

(Alice) "Hmm, okay, but can you sing it as well?"

(YN) " Okay, here we go!

Our Soviet Union subjugates the whole world

Like a gigantic bear from the East.
The sheep wander aimlessly, without any cause,
Yet the Soviet bear's on the hunt.

Our brotherhood's a good life, Our generosity is without compare.
All those with us are strong,
All those against us, beware.
It'd be a shame if we had hardships.

To all those around us, it's not worth your while
If we were to turn you to ashes.
We thank you profoundly, and bow to you deeply,

From the mightiest nation in all the world.

(Alice) "Wow, these Soviet people must have been proud people, do you know what it was like in this Soviet Union?"

(YN) "No, but believe when i say that you DO NOT want to live under communism, it is the worst system the world has created, Joseph Stalin, for example, starved millions of people during his regime"

(Alice)"Well...that certainly is something...million, you say, huh? Say Marisa, do you know how much people live in Gensokyo?"

(Marisa) "No, but i am sure it is less that the amount this Stalin guy killed"

(Marisa) "It is getting dark, lets go get some sleep"

(Alice) "Yeah umm, abou that...i only have one futon available"

(Marisa) "Oh but that will not be a problem"

She winks at you

(YN) "nope, you see, i always have my own bed made of hay and some wool! Goodnight ladies"

With that you hurried out of the living room to a dark corner, you found one, and went to sleep(tough still on guard, just in case Marisa got it in her head to try and sneak in your "bed"

(YN "Phew, thats was close, hahah, well, see yall!"


(Marisa POV)

(you) Yo Alice, (YN)!

(Alice) "ah look who is up, well, breakfast is ready, so get comfy"

(YN) "Hi Marisa, slept well?"

(Marisa) "Yeah, i did, i see you all did too!"

(Alice) "Yep, we certainly did!"

(YN) "Great to hear!"

(Marisa) "So, do we have any plans for today?"

(Alice) "Well, i am going to take a walk through the forest to see if there are any lost humans and return them to the Village"

(Marisa) "I am going to pick some mushrooms and borrow some books from Patchy!"

(YN) "well, you two enjoy yourselves in that darn forest, I am CERTAINLY NOT going back there!"

(Alice) "Haha, i see you have already met Rumia, well, what are your plans for today then?"

(YN) "I think i am going to improve my attacks a little, i mean, i will need them!"

(Marisa) "Ah, i see you are capable of danmaku too!"

(YN) "Not danmaku, but ice based attacks, with deadly precision, and also melee"

(Marisa) "Are all of your attacks deadly?"

(YN) "No, i kind of froze Rumia back in the forest, i mean, she was being aggressive towards me, so i did not see another option there"

(Alice) "Ahaha, well, looks like you might want to indeed avoid the forest for a while, altough i am certain you are capable of beating Rumia"

(Marisa) "Anyways, i will be off now! see ya soon (YN)!"

(Alice) "Yeah, me too, take care (YN)!"

With that, they left you alone, after they left, you had more than a few questions, but one stood out:

(YN) "Do i want to leave these two wonderful ladies, or stay with them?"


Well, that is it people! i know this chap is not action filled, but do not worry, the next one will

very tiny spoiler: Rumia will be mad, VERY mad at a certain (YN) at first, but that will not last.

Yandere Remilia Scarlet x Male! human Reader X Marisa KirisameWhere stories live. Discover now