gates of hell

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My home life may be bad but so is my school life.

I have Jack, DJ and the other pack members here to. Even some of the other humans have fun making me suffer.

I am right in front of the school side walk and I can already here the talk of all most everyone.

"Look who it is little miss princess."

" well hi to you to Morgan." I said with a smile on my face.

I felt a sting right to the left cheek for about the 3rd time today.

There was no one trying to stop her. No one was surprised this was are Monday, almost every Monday.

She pushed me to ground with a thud. Pain shot up my back when I hit the ground hard.

I herd a low growl. I looked around trying to find were it came from because their is only one pack her and its mine, if you don't count like two people from one other pack. But still everyone knows how she treats me.

I found no one. Well their goes my one chance of hope.

"If you ever" she was cut off buy Jack. "She's not worth are time. Let's go."

When they got in the building I lifted my self off the ground with a moan of pain.

I sat down on the bench just when the bell rang. Letting me know it was time to inter my hell away from hell.

I ran inside ignoring the pain.

I probably made it in about a minute after the bell.

"Thanks for joining us miss Mendusa."

I nodded my head in her detection and sat down.

I herd someone say yeah behind me.  Jack left the room and came back with a bottle of water from the vending machine from outside.

He waved at me and sat down next to Morgan.

He whispered something in her ear and she started to laugh.

There just so perfect for each other,  I want to barf.

I started on the work. It was not hard but Jack and Morgan were laughing up a storm.
I herd her whisper "yeah do it".

"Ill be right back"  said miss Clark.

Morgan said know and that's when Jack pored the freezing cold water everywhere on me.

I gasped. Trying my best not to scream and let them get the victory.

I herd everyone gasp, and snickers through out the room.  But they soon turned into  laughs.

I hated them with all my heart. Not a bone in my body liked them.

I walked out of the room not letting them get to me at least not in front of them.

I  got to the bathroom without a tear falling. But then I let let all of it out.

Hi guys hope you enjoyed. What do you think of Morgan, Jack and DJ. Who do you think was growling when she was pushed to the ground. Thanks for reading. 😊

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