the date

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I got ready and came down stairs. Mark, I'm ready I said in an innocent and quiet voice. He turned around and looked at me his mouth droped. He walked over and linked arms with me and we walked out the door. We got in the elevator and the music was perfect for a time like this I looked at him and he put his arm on the elevator wall right by my head practically pining me against the wall and kissed me. The elevator stoped and opened a little girl got in and practically freaked. I'm guessing she was a huge fan she hugged me and made me sign basically everything she had. Me and mark laughed and left. We hoped in the car and drove off. I just looked in his eyes the whole ride not questioning where we were going.  We arrived at an amusement park first I was so excited. We went on almost all the rollar coasters. Mark looked he was about to die I think I took him on too many. We left a and we arrived some place i had no clue were we were I think we were behind the building .  We got out of the car shutting the door behind me I felt two hands cover my eyes. He walked me through some doors and I heard a guys voice say you room is this way. Then mark walked me into a room and uncovered my eyes. I screamed I love you !!!!! We were at a five star hotel and the room was huge with a heart shaped bed and a gold and diamond chandelier above it. Mark slowly ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me. I kissed back passionatly. Then I felt mark pick me up and slowly push me back onto the bed. I unbuttoned his sexy red flannel and through it to the side of the bed. Then he pulled off my shirt and did the same. He lent down and kissed my neck and left hickeys on my neck and shoulders. But then he fell over and landed on the floor. He looked like he fainted or something. I shook him trying to wake him up with worry and tears in my eyes. Then he opened his eyes and looked at me but his eyes were no longer brown they were almost black and he felt cold. This wasn't my mark, I said mark ? Are you ok " oh yes your marky is perfectly fine" he said. I froze in fear.

Sorry guys ik it has been a while I just have been waiting for views and I have school and all that junk so sorry and could you guys possibly try to give me ideas.

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