1. Bad News

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*This is unedited, I just wanted you guys to see what the story was like a bit, so here's chapter 1. Not sure when 2 will be up, but here ya go, lol. Also one of our characters, Matt, is right there on the side. It's Evan Peters, but he looks like Kit in season 2 of American Horror Story with the short hair.

1. Bad News

I knew this would be weird. After all, I've never been a new student before, really, and the school year had started nearly two months ago.

For me it was junior year.

Even worse this was an arts school meaning I would probably end up having to exhibit a form of talent. I already had to send in a humiliating audition tape months ago and then I had to sign up for all these classes that I guess I'll learn to appreciate eventually.

I wasn't sure at all how that would turn out.

I was currently driving up into a parking space at the school and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't slightly intimidated. I doubted too many chances of physical bullies since I'm pretty tall and I spend my time in the gym often. But what if I'm one of those people that everyone talks shit about?

I sighed. Quit being such a chicken, I told myself. I opened the cars door and stepped out with my back pack that hardly fit across my back. My expression became a scowl at the bright sun. Back in England there wasn't such a sun problem which was why I wasn't as prepared as I should've been. I reached back into the car and pulled out some sunglasses to conceal my eyes.

As I walked towards the door of the school I noticed some people looking at me. There were only two high schools in this small town, so I'm sure they'd even know me better were I were from the other one.

I ignored their questioning gazes as I chewed the gum in my mouth casually. Do not show fear, I thought.

Once at the office I smiled at the lady in the desk. "Good morning!" I greeted.

She looked up and stared at me for a moment. I took my sunglasses off and raised an eyebrow.

She laughed. "Good morning, young boy! You must be the new student Harry!"

I smiled again and nodded, putting my sunglasses to hang off the collar of my shirt. "That is in fact me," I nodded.

She giggled and it was one of those infectious laughs you'd hear from grandmothers that always made you giggle as children. "Well, then, I have everything right here," she told me, sliding across a folder for me to look at and a lock. "I would explain, but I'm sure my good student, Liam, would do well himself." She chuckled one more time, before she called, "Liam!"

A boy came out from what I'm guessing are the back of the offices, jogging steadily. He stopped in front of the lady I had yet to learn the name of before saying, "Yes, Mrs. Payne?"

Ah. Payne. Quite the unique last name, I noted, glancing at a name plaque on her desk.

"Liam, would you please show our new student around Redmond?" she asked him.

Liam smiled and nodded. "Of course, Mum," he grinned.

She rolled her eyes and swatted him. He laughed and I suddenly understood. It made sense since they had identical accents, but judging by the quicker pace at which they spoke I had a feeling they weren't from where my family originated back in Cheshire.

Liam finally looked at me and I noted that he was pretty big and buff with tan skin and brown eyes. He seemed pretty cool, dressed in faded blue jeans and a white T shirt. He smiled at me and that took away some of his intimidation since his smile was quite warm and kind.

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