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an: ok so I know David was in Slovakia when he was 4 but in the story he's in america.


(dm: david's mom - dd: dad)

August 2000 (4 years old)

Dm: Bye honey have a good day!
D: Thank you mom!
I wave at her turning around to see my mom crying. Today is my first day of school ever. I can't wait to see my classmates and hopefully make friends. Mommy said school was fun so I'm really excited.

15 minutes later...

Miss.B: Okay good morning everyone my name is Mrs.Briggs and I am your teacher. The table you are sitting at right now will be your table until the end of the year.

Where I sit we're 3. There's 4 chairs but the one beside me is empty. In front of me is sitting two girls. One has short and wavy dirty-blond hair and the other one is wearing her flashy pink hair in a ponytail. They seem to know each other.

Girl 1: What's your name?
D: me?
Girl 1: Yes you silly
D: I'm David
Girl 1: Oh cool I am Erin and this is my best friend Carly!
D: Hi Carly-

I get cut when someone knocks on the door. Mrs. Briggs opens the door and a short girl appears. She has long curly hair and beautiful dark brown eyes. She's really pretty.

Briggs: Oh hi little one we were waiting for you! You can go sit at the table over there in the back there's a seat next to David he's a really sweet boy.

The little girl makes her way to the table and sits right besides me.

D: Hi what's your name?
Little girl: Elizabeth. But you can call me Liza
D: Awsome name I love it.
L: Thank you

Her cheeks turn into a light shade of pink as she receives my compliment.

D: Well this is Carly and Erin
I point out to the two girls sitting in front of me.
L: Hi nice to meet you
C/E: Hi Liza
For the rest of the day Liza and I play and stay together. We made new friends. There is Erin, Carly, Kristen, Corinna, Gabbie, Zane, Scotty, Matt, Toddy, Heath and Alex.

August 2011 (they're 15)
(An: I'm Canadian don't attack me in the comments if I'm wrong ok I don't know how the school system works in the US)

Liza's POV
I finish brushing my theeth when I hear my mom calling me from downstairs.

Lm: David you can go upstairs I'm sure she's almost ready
D: Alright Mrs. Koshy thank you

I'm just done filling in my eyebrows when David comes up behind me in the mirror.

L: Hi doofus
D: Hey dingo. Hurry we're gonna be late for school. You wouldn't want to be late on the first day of 10th grade wouldn't you?
He says being sarcastic
L: Oh shut up Dobrik
D: Hey hey no need to be rude Koshy

I throw away my bag of make up as David simply wakes around my room. We've been best friends since the first day of kindergarten. It's been 11 years, and for the past 3 years, I've had the biggest crush on David. I've fallen in love with my best friend. For those past three years I've tried to get over my feelings for him because I don't want this to mess with our friendship. He's literally the best best friend in the whole entire world. The slightest of his touch makes me shiver and my heart sinks everytime because I know I will probably never be more than his best friend.

D: You done Liza? Because now we're gonna be late for real.
He chuckles. God that laugh.
L: Yeah let's go
I smile at him and he smiles back.
L: Bye mom we're leaving!
Lm: Bye Liza! Bye David! Have a nice first day of school!
D: Thank you bye Miss Koshy!

David and Liza OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now