My family

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Oneshot #6

DECEMBER 25th 2020
Liza's P.O.V
"Thank you sir" David thanks and pays the uber driver as I get out of the car. He holds my waist with one arm and lightly kisses my forehead before putting both of our suitcases in the baggage cart. "What time is our flight babe?" I ask walking inside the airport. "3:45am" He answers rolling the cart besides me. "I can't wait to see your family Bubba, I haven't seen them in so long" I say looking at him in the eyes. "I know it's been a while. They love you so much Liza" I smile at him, he smiles back and takes my hand in his. I interlock our fingers and gently kiss his hand.

After getting pass all the security, we grab something to eat and wait about 20 minutes until a lady speaks trough the mircrophone "First class of flight 742 for Chicago can start boarding now" I look over at David who's gathering his things "That's us" he says smiling at me. "Yup" I get up from where I was sitting and take his hand when two girls that look about 14 years old arrive "OMG your David and Liza!" The blond one says "Yes that's us" "We really don't want to bother you but could we have a picture with you guys?" The other one asks. "Of course!" We take a picture and they thank us "Oh and merry Christams girls" I smile at them "Thanks you too"

We get in our seats and David lets me sit next to the window. I get the blanket I brought out of my bag and lay it on top of me. It's around 4:00 am right now so I'm pretty tired. I rest my head on David's comfortable chest and he plays with my hair. The plane takes off about 20 minutes later as we make a snapchat story for 4:20. David dozes off and I fall asleep not long after him.

The next thing I know David is calling my name and rubbing my arm gently telling me we just landed. I smile at hime and kiss his lips tenderly. "I love you" he says to me." I love you too bubba". We get out of the plane holding hands simply enjoying each other's company. After getting our suitcases back, we exit the airport and see David's mom standing next to her car. "David, Liza!" She runs towards us and we share a big hug all together. "Welcome home you guys we missed you so much around here" She says backing away from the hug and smiling at us. "So did we mom" David says as he puts our luggages in the vehicul's trunk. "Go sit in the front seat with my mom babe she'll be happy" David whispers to me his lips brushing lightly against my ear lobe which sends shivers down my spine. "Sure" I respond with a smile kissing his mouth softly. I get in the car next to David's mom and she starts the car. "So, anything new in your lives recently?" She casually asks. David and I look at each other and smile. Oh boy little did she know. "Well, as you already know, Liza and I decided we were going to move in together since we're getting married in 2 months" David says smiling at me from the back seat. "And we found this beautiful house in LA. It's not far from Liza's current location and it's really pretty and cozy" He adds to his previous sentence. "Oh that's fantastic I'm so happy for you guys I can't wait for the wedding. How many rooms?" His mother questions us. "Three" I answer before David says anything. "Wow that's a big house for just the two of you" She remarks raising her eyebrow. "Guestrooms" David answers quickly. "Oh. You guys are the first people I know who have two guestrooms but if it makes you happy then okay" she exclaims with a small laugh turning into their house's parking lot. I look back at David who sighs in releif at his mother's last remark. We get out of the car, David gets the suitcases from the back and I follow him inside the beautiful house.

As soon as the door opens I see a little boy running down the stairs and into my arms. "Hi Toby" I say to him smiling. "Hello Liza I missed you" he blurts out still scrunched up against my leg." Hey what about me?" David says acting a bit offended. "I missed you too Dabid" The kid says jumping in his big brother's arms. David will make such a good dad. I smile to myself staring at him. "Can I help you?" He asks me chuckling. "Yes no um- I was just thinking. I love you" I answer putting my lips against his. "Ewwww" Toby screams making both of us laugh. "Hey mom where are Ester, Sarah and dad?" David asks taking my hand in his. "They're at the mall but they'll be back tonight before dinner." His mom answers from the kitchen.

We go upstairs in David's old room to unpack. Once I enter his room I feel a pair of arms sneek around my waist. "Mm I wonder who could that be?" I say as David kisses my neck. "I love you" He speaks. I turn around and kiss his soft lips "I love you too" 

Time skip to diner

Still Liza's P.O.V
I sit down at the table, David to my right and Ester to my left. Her, Sarah and their dad just came back minutes ago. We start eating and everyone talks, enjoying this beautiul Christmas night. David and I decided to spend five days in Chicago with his family for Christmas and fly to Houston on the 29th to spend New Year's eve with my family. "Mommy when are we going to open the presents?" Toby asks to his mother. "After diner Toby don't worry" She answers tenderly to the young boy. "Are you excited?" I question him. "Yeah I'm really happy I can't wait I love presents! Are you?" He says looking at me. "Yes I'm excited too" I answer softly. David grabs my hand under the table and smiles at me lovingly. Very excited.

1 hour later...

Still Liza's P.O.V
Everyone is sitting in the living room, ready to open the gifts. I'm on the couch with David, my legs and head resting on him. "Awsome! I love it thanks mom!" Tobby says excitingly at the present he just recieved. David clears his throat before speaking "Okay everyone it's Liza and I's turn to give our presents" We both get up from the couch we were comfortably sitting on seconds ago. "They're upstairs we just gotta go get them" I say slowly making my way upstairs followed by David. "Alright take your time" His dad replies kindly.

Once we're in David's room I get the five presents that I consciously wrapped back in Los Angeles. "Here" David says throwing me a shirt. We both change into the tops we specially ordered and put normal sweatshirts on top. "You ready?" I question looking him in the eyes. "Mhm yeah come on lets go" He answers pecking my lips.

We get downstairs and see everyone sitting in the living room waiting for us to come back. "Who opens it first?" David's mom asks as I distribute the boxes to everyone."It's better if you open them all at the same time" David answers tenderly. "Alright then" Ester says ready to open her gift. "On my mark. 3,2,1 go!" David and I take our hoodies off while they're all too concentrated on their boxes to notice. "I'm the best uncle ever?" Toby says a bit confused as he's the first one to completely unwrap the gift. "OMG" Sarah and Ester both yell at the same time their eyes wide open. Just then David's mom screams "NO! THIS BETTER NOT BE A JOKE" I smile at her reaction. "It's not" David replies sweetly. "Are you serious?" His dad asks emotionally. "Mhm yeah" I say tears threatening to fall down. "I'm so happy for you guys" His mother says crying while getting up to congratulate us. Everyone follows and we share a big family hug. Family. It's the first time I think about David's parents and siblings as family. As my family.

The one that will grow bigger in just a few months...

DUDE. I haven't uploaded in more than a month I'm so sorry. I just needed to clear things out in my life but I'm back now! I love you all and I'll try to opload as much as possible. Thanks for reading babes


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