Chapter One- Washington State

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I woke to the feeling of my full sized bed dipping down next to me, causing me to squirm and whimper in protest. There was a small laugh, then the weight evened out, making my pillow dip as well.

Groggily, I blinked my eyes open, though they only open a sliver.

"Morning, J." I could make out the silhouette of strong features looking at me, their face only inches away. The voice was deep and perky; chocolatey brown orbs staring into my eyes.

"MARK!" I screamed and tackled him as best I could, laying in my bed. He giggled and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing my small form tightly.

"Well, she's awake." My mother said, a sweet smile in her voice. I didn't pay much attention though.

"I missed you so much!" I squealed, my head buried in my brother's chest.

"I missed you too~." He coped back in a goofy voice. I giggled a little, sniffling.

"Honey, it's only been a couple months." My mom reminded, but I didn't care. It had been years in my book.

"Shush, Mother. It has been decades!" Mark beat me to it, earning a laugh from each of us. I crawled of my brother and sat up on the bed, blanket wrapped around my shoulders. "So, are you excited for tomorrow?"



I waved out the window to my mom as we drove off, Mark sitting in front of me with our oldest brother in the driver's seat.

"Thanks for driving us to the airport, Tom." Mark smiled over at him and Tom nodded.

"Of course. Gotta make sure the little ones get there safe." He teased, making Mark chuckle and my face go red.

"Hey! I am of legal drink age, twerp!" I defended. This only made both of them laugh at me. Frustrated, I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window at the lightening sky.

My phone dinged next to me, so I grabbed it and checked the message.

Unknown: Hey asshole, when are you coming to PAX?

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened the text. Reading it over, I thought of a response. There was no use in trying to be funny, this person obviously had the wrong number.

Me: Yo, I think you've got the wrong number...

It didn't take long for me to get a response.

Unknown: Sorry! I'm so sorry! I just got a new phone and they forgot to transfer some of my contacts, I thought this was my buddy's number.

Me: Figured as much. You're totally fine dude. Who is it that you're trying to reach?

Unknown: My friend Mark Fischbach.

I stopped and smirked slightly.

Me: Mark's number is (~~~) ~~~ - ~~~~.

Unknown: Wait, you know him?

Me: Yeah.

Unknown: No way!

Me: Yep.

Unknown: Haha, alright. Well, thanks.

Me: No problem.

Me: :)

I smiled to myself and added him into my contacts, just in case. Since he was a friend of my brother's, his number might be useful.

"Who ya talkin' to?" Mark asked, glancing back at me. I looked at him with a small smirk.

"I don't know, but he called you an asshole." I told him. Mark rolled his eyes.

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