Chapter Four- The Party

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"Mark!" Korea pounced on my brother, wrapping both arms and legs around him. He skillfully caught her, knowing she would do this. She did it every time.

"K-Korea!" Mark stumbled back a little, but was still pretty stable for just being attacked by a flying, 6' 6" girl.

I was trying to sneak out the door while everyone was distracted, but Max walked over and put his arm around my shoulders. Dread soon took its rightful place within me.

"Welcome to the party! Glad your feeling better." Max smiled down at me, which I nervously returned. Korea grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a corner where she sat me down and told me to stay.

Of course it had to be the furthest corner from the door.

I looked out the balcony door. I wonder if a I could get out the fire escape?

Seán suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Awe, look!" He flicked my hat down a little. "You got the hat on!"

"Um, yeah." I smiled up at him awkwardly. He sat on the ground beside me and nudged my shoulder.

"Your friend seems fun. Did she drag you up here?" Seán asked me. I hesitantly replied.

"Yes, I guess you could say that..." I mumbled. He just leaned into me a little.

"Well! I'm glad you here! Want something to drink?" He offered.

"Not it if it involves alcohol, no..." I cringed a little as I saw Mark, Korea, Bob, and Wade all chatting with beers in their hands.

"Figured as much." Seán said, standing up. He walked over to the little fridge and grabbed a soda bottle out of it. He opened it and handed it to me before sitting back down.

"Thanks." I said, disappointed that I'd just been conned into staying even longer. He smiled brightly at me and we clinked our drinks together. I took a sip of my drink and stared blankly ahead of me.

"You just going to sit here all night?" Seán finally broke the (somewhat) silence.

"Probably..." I answered, giving a small nod. Seán sighed and got up, giving my head a little pat.

"Well, come find me if you need me." He said. I gave him a small smile before he left. Looking out the sliding glass door again, I considered my opinions.

"Thinking about climbing down the fire escape?" I looked up to see Adam standing there. I gave him a small, considerate nod. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, yanking me up. He then took me out on the deck. "There we go, all better. Now you don't have to deal with all the awkwardness."

"Thanks, Adam." I breathed, relieved to be somewhat away from the chaos.

"No problem. Believe it or not, get tired of it sometimes too." He told me as the two of us soaked in the cool air. I giggled under my breath, but we were pretty quite for little while after that. "You don't seem to like parties too much."

"It's not that, I just always ended up in awkward situations. Plus, I'm not exactly thrilled to be in the same room as Bitchy McBitch.." I explained. Adam laughed.

"Yeah, none of us really like Cathrine much. Alesa likes her, but that's about it." He said. I held back a scoff. Go figure...

"So... Can I climb down the fire escape now?" I asked. Adam looked over at the little latter beside the deck.

"Sure. Just don't die." He gave me a pat on the back and I walk over to the edge of the railing. I gave Adam a wave before climbing down the metal latter until I got to my floor. Hopping over to the public deck that connected to the hallway, I opened the door and went inside.

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