Lulu the Fae Sorceress

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After having stepped through that unusual portal, she began to tumble in mid-air; different coloured flashes of lights flickered and loud, thunderous cracks echoed all around her. All she could think to do was yell in panic, until the sounds and lights vanished and she hit the ground. Her vision was blurred and she had one hell of a headache. Once her sight came to and the headache began to fade, she let her eyes scan the green surroundings. Where was she? She didn't know. A forest. The middle of nowhere. All she knew was she was lost, confused and afraid.


The Glade

She had spent her day participating in many odd, bizarre and, in her opinion, wonderful fae games. It was what she loved, she always lost track of time the moment she started to spin her staff. The sky was a dark blue and stars had started to appear scattered all around. She was headed towards her favourite meadow with her companion, Pix. The meadow was... different. Instead of green, the grass was teal, and the flowers that grew all around were brightly coloured and glowed. The meadow was one of the many other amazing places in The Glade, and wasn't the only thing that was different.

Her name was Lulu. Lulu was a yordle; very small, large fluffy ears, round face, big eyes, the whole lot. She had long beautiful purple hair that reached down to her knees, and wore a red and yellow dress with a matching, big pointy hat. She lived in a place called the Glade. The Glade was a home of fairies. Pix was a fairy, and was also Lulu's only friend. He had brought her to the Glade. She didn't fit in with the other fairies, but she felt like she belonged. Truthfully, Lulu hadn't intended to stay in The Glade, however after playing so many games she lost track of time. Pix never told her and now they had both forgotten where she came from.

"It's so beautiful here." Lulu finally spoke, her voice calm and sweet. Just like other yordles, her voice was high pitched.

"I agree." Replied Pix, who was resting on the top of Lulu's hat with a smile on his face.

There was silence, before Lulu finally got to her feet. She was holding her long wooden branch-like staff. This staff was very powerful and full of magic that she often used in her games. Pix didn't move from her hat but he wondered what she was doing, Lulu usually fell to sleep in the meadow. Instead she began to walk out into the forest that started at the other side of the meadow. The forest was beautiful too. The leaves on the trees and bushes illuminated different colours, and the ground lit up whenever anybody stepped on it.

"Lulu, where are you going?" Pix asked, confused.

"For a walk." Lulu looked up at the trees cheerfully, before she caught a flash of light in the corner of her eyes. Pix noticed it too and was staring in its direction. Lulu was doing the same now. "What was that?"

"Beats me."

Lulu frowned slightly, there were now sounds coming from the light's direction and shivers travelled through Lulu's body. As always, her curiosity got the better of her and she started to walk towards it.

"What are you doing, Lu'?!" Pix asked with a hint of fear in his tone.

Lulu ignored him and continued. The light came into sight and Lulu gasped. So did Pix. They both gasped for different reasons, though. Pix knew what it was and Lulu... well, Lulu was just amazed.

"What... is it? I've never seen anything like this before!" She sounded excited about it, even though it could have been anything.

Pix was silent. He felt guilty for having forgotten. "... Lulu." He was flying off her hat now to face her. His eyes were sad and so was the tone of his voice. "It's a way back home."

Lulu giggled, oblivious. "What are you talking about, silly? I am home!"

Pix shook his head slowly and Lulu's face dropped. He wasn't joking. "I don't... understand." She should have understood. She was the only yordle in The Glade.

"I..—I completely forgot... I'm so sorry, Lulu, this is because of me, I—" Pix was clearly worked up. Lulu understood what he was trying to explain to her. She began to realise too. The Glade wasn't her real home, she knew that much, but she still couldn't remember anything before entering the Glade.

"It's alright!" Lulu was suddenly cheerful again, it was like everything he just said entered one ear then left the other. "I don't blame you. Besides, I've had so much fun here." She always looked at things in the best way.

Pix was surprised but relieved. He was glad she didn't hate him for it. His guilt was still there though. "Do you want to go back?"

"I.." Lulu had to think. She looked behind her at the forest: its beauty, its colour, its light and wonder. After taking a moment to think, she finally turned around at the light and nodded slowly. "I want to go back, but I want you to come with me, Pix."

Pix smiled faintly and Lulu did too, neither of them were sure about what was going to happen, but they had each other. After smiling to one another, Pix flew under Lulu's hat then Lulu stepped into the light hesitantly. 


Bandle City

Lulu was back on her feet and brushing herself off. "Pix?" She called out as she raised her hat to reveal a very dizzy fairy lying on her head. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

Pix nodded before lifting himself into the air with the help from his wings.

"Good!" Lulu gave him a smile then started to look around again. "I don't know where we should go—huh?" She was interrupted by Pix who started to fly ahead of her, gesturing with his hand for her to follow. He didn't know where he was going either but it was getting dark and this forest didn't glow like in the Glade. They were walking for some time until Pix found something; a sign that read: "Bandle City" with an arrow pointing up (forward). While Pix was working out whether or not he and Lulu would make it to this 'Bandle City' before nightfall, Lulu's attention was on something... well, someone else. Her eyes were locked on a tree a few feet away from where she was stood.

"Hey—uh, what are you looking at?" Pix raised a brow.

"—Oh! Oh, nothing!" Lulu laughed and brushed her hand dismissively. She was never good at lying. Pix knew she was but decided to let it go since it was getting darker.

"We should go, it's getting late."

"It'll be okay, the forest will light up!"

"This place isn't like the Glade, Lulu."

Lulu's ears dropped and she nodded, she felt embarrassed for having forgotten.

It wasn't long before they reached Bandle City. Of course, Lulu didn't know what the place was called because she was too busy looking at something else.

"Wow! Where are we?" She asked in wonder.

"A place called 'Bandle City'. I'm just as confused as you are, remember?" He replied mockingly.

Lulu wasn't responding with her usual nudge, which worried Pix. She was standing still and staring at the floor, it looked like she was in a trance.

"Is this... where I was born?" She was thinking to herself. The name repeated in her head, over and over. It sounded so familiar.

"Lulu?" Pix's voice startled her, making her jump.

"Oh! Sorry!" She laughed nervously then was given one of Pix's famous glares of disbelief. "... so, what are we waiting for, let's take a look around!" She changed the topic, leaving Pix to only shake his head. She and Pix weren't yet in Bandle City, they were stood beside the entrance hidden behind a tall bush.

Pix nodded his head and followed her lead as she walked out of the bush and in through the entrance. She was hit with the light from different stalls, lamps and houses, and her eyes were wide in awe. This place was incredible. She wanted to explore it all, meet everyone and play lots of fae games. Pix was hovering over her hat soaking up the beauty and warm atmosphere of the place.

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