Chapter 6 - Top Lane.

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Okay so first of all I just want to say that I had honestly forgotten about this, but then when I remembered I would just be too busy or have major writers block. This isn't going to be marked off as discontinued because I will continue to write in my free time. I am currently writing up some more chapters for this FanFic however they still need to be worked on. But for now, I hope you enjoy what I spent hours on. :') 


After Lulu was selected to fight top lane it left the whole team surprised, Lulu included. Her team consisted of herself top lane, Veigar mid lane, Warwick jungle, Soraka support and Vayne adc.

As usual, Veigar remained silent while buying his items in base, though he was internally musing over why Lulu was chosen to go top lane. After he'd done what he needed to do he wordlessly made his way towards his lane, his usual scowl of disapproval hidden well behind the shadows cast by his large hat.

"This game will certainly be an interesting one." Soraka said gracefully. "Good luck, Lulu. I will give you as much help as I can give." She finished, beginning to walk down to her lane half way through her sentence.

Lulu, who was distracted by her passing friend, came to and chuckled nervously. "O-Oh! Thank you. Good luck to you too."

The team then split apart to their positions. Lulu planted her first ward once she reached her lane, catching the attention of the other yordle who she was up against.

"It's you?!" The coarse and obviously shocked voice called out, attracting Lulu's attention instantly.

"Yes? It's me." She kept her cool although taken by surprise, trying to keep her usual posture and friendly attitude.

"I---..." There was silence for a moment. "I know who you are, yordle." His voice sounded dangerous and eerie.

"... Right. Well, good luck!" She was rather creeped out, especially since the mysterious voice came from behind the turret. Despite this she could still feel their eyes on her, watching her every move. She was very off-put.

A while later the game was going well for Lulu's team, everyone was holding their lanes and had a couple of kills, except for Lulu. She hadn't received a kill but she hadn't given one either, so she was doing okay.

"I'm surprised that you're holding back so much." The voice came again, this time with a more taunting tone.

"Thank you! Say, I've never seen you around before." Lulu said confused as she tried to dodge his obvious taunts.

The yordle cracked a sinister grin. "You don't remember, do you?" Their question confused Lulu more.

"Should I remember something?" She asked, slightly afraid. Pix, who was by Lulu's side again, looked at her. He, too, was confused.

"My name is Kled." He said as he jumped off of Skaarl and walked towards her. Pix shielded her cautiously. "I was surprised when they told me that you were alive, but here you are."

Lulu wrinkled her brows. "I don't... understand." Her fear was slowly building up. "Should I know you?"

"Well, let me help you." Kled struck her but her shield cushioned her fall and left her unharmed. The other yordle continued. "I was sent to kill you, it was prophesised that you would grow up to become a threat. Though..." He looked her up and down in disgust. "I don't see how a weak little yordle like yourself could ever be a threat." His smile had long vanished.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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