Lulu's First Game

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The Game

Lulu's first game was going well. She was a natural at shielding her ad carry at the right time. The game hadn't been going on for very long but Miss Fortune had gotten 2 kills, Cho' had gotten 1 and Veigar had 2 kills too. Since it was easy, Miss Fortune and Lulu started to converse.

"So you're the new support, huh?"


"You're good." Miss Fortune complimented with her husky voice.

Lulu smiled into her direction, holding her staff tightly. "Thank you!"

"LOOK OUT!" Miss Fortune screeched as she lunged at Lulu to knock her out of the way of Draven's axes. She did so successfully then proceeded to get to her knees and fire a bullet in Draven's direction, taking away what was left of his life and receiving another kill. Lulu watched, awestruck.

"Are you okay?" Miss Fortune asked.

"I'm good, thanks to you!"

Miss Fortune gave her a smile. "Your name's Lulu, right?"

"Yup!" Lulu replied.

"I'm Sarah." She said as she aimed both of her pistols at Janna to fire a ricochet of bullets into her direction. Her shots landed perfectly and Lulu protected Sarah from Janna's elemental with her shield, with help from Pix, then Sarah had received a double kill. After that, Sarah and Lulu both used their teleportation crystals to go back to base to heal themselves and reload (in Sarah's case), before heading out again.

Veigar was doing well against Orianna. He had taken away more than half of Orianna's life with his Baleful strike, Event Horizon and Dark Matter. However, this time she had taken away most of his life thanks to an earlier gank from Zac. It was a close call, but Veigar's Primordial Burst became available and he was able to take the kill. As Veigar was recalling back to his base he was hit with Draven's whirling death, he KNEW that when the axes came back he'd lose all of his health. He grit his teeth together and looked over his shoulders to see them hurling back towards him at full speed. That was it.

"HUGIFY!" Lulu screamed, her staff pointed in Veigar's direction. Veigar was suddenly twice his original size and had been given some of his health back. Lulu used her whimsy and her Glitterlance to silence Draven then take some of his health away, then Veigar trapped him in his event horizon before finishing him off with his dark matter and baleful strike. Veigar despised Noxians more than anything else, so to kill one of them in game, especially Draven, brought him great pleasure.

"I'm sorry about that. I guess he got kinda—" Lulu was saying, before Veigar cut her off.

"It's fine." He always looked away from her when he spoke. "Thank you."

Lulu's face lit up with joy and she grinned.

Veigar looked at her just as she did so but instantly looked away again.

"Anytime!" She spoke softly.

Veigar then recalled and Lulu returned to her lane.

Their game was quickly over and of course they won by a landslide. Sarah always taunted Draven before she killed him, making her victory that much sweeter. After shooting him dead she put one hand on her hip and used her other to lift her gun up as she said "Bang." in the sassiest, softest tone she could. Lulu thought her sass was funny.

Back in the hall, Lulu was with Sarah. "That game was good, let's hope we get paired up again some time." Sarah said, then separated from Lulu before she could respond. She watched as some of the champions that Sarah walked past stepped back in fear, to which Sarah would grin at.

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