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The Institute

"Hugify!" Lulu yelled as she spun her staff above her head and grew twice her size. Tristana and Teemo watched with huge smiles plastered on their faces. The innocent yordle had been showing her two new friends the magic she used in her fae games; Tristana's personal favourite was Lulu's "whimsy", so she called it, because it involved Teemo being Lulu's target. How did Lulu wind up showing Trist and Teemo her magic, you might be wondering? The three yordles decided to rest on their way to the institute. Teemo thought it the perfect opportunity for Lulu to show them what she could do. Besides, Lulu would have to present all of her known 'abilities' to the Board. Lulu did not yet know this.

"I'm impressed, Lulu!" Tristana admitted as she rose from her seat on a stump, Teemo still beaming while stood beside her and Lulu shrinking down back to her original size. Lulu never expected them to react in this way but nonetheless it gave her a warm feeling in her heart. She turned to face her friend, Pix, who was watching her the whole time quite proudly.

"You did great, Lu'."

"It was just like playing fairy hide and seek!"

Lulu and Pix continued their conversation while Teemo and Tristana watched Lulu in bewilderment, wondering why she was talking to the fairy.

"Um, Lulu? Are you talking to us?" Tristana finally asked, one of her brows raised. "Because if you are, we're over here."

Then Lulu froze in realisation and... slight embarrassment. They couldn't hear Pix. Pix had realised this too and had flown under her cap. "Oh! Well, yes... I was... talking to you, but..." Lulu struggled to find an excuse. "I was also looking at Pix." She ended her sentence with a giggle.

"Fair enough." Teemo said before lifting his backpack off the ground, he had already gotten used to her weirdness and didn't mind it. "Ready to go?"

Tristana and Lulu both nodded and off they went again. They weren't walking very long. The institute could be seen the moment they had left the field where they rested.

"There it is." Tristana pointed. Her and Teemo decided to fill her in on the League of Legends. They explained about how she would have to fight other champions. Lulu didn't like the sound of that; hurting other people just wasn't right to her, but once Teemo comforted her by telling her that they would respawn and no one got hurt, Lulu felt better about it.

"Oh and you will have to show the Board your magic, it will determine your role." Teemo informed her as they strolled along the path leading towards the entrance of the Institute.

"Really?" Lulu sounded unsure and nervous about that.

"Just show them what you showed us." Tristana said with a smile.

Lulu smiled back. "Okay!" her confidence returned.

The three of them had walked through the entrance of the Institute and into a large hall that was full of many different champions. The hall was large and had three long metal tables with stools around them for the champions to socialise, eat and wait for their next games. There were also large screens with speakers on either side of them on every wall, that would announce when a game was about to begin and who would be participating in it. Colourful, decorative banners were nailed to the walls all around.

Lulu's eyes were wide in astoundment. "Wow!" She exclaimed. "This place is amazing!" She was smiling from ear-to-ear, running further ahead and moving her head in different directions to try and get a look at everyone. The champions who had taken notice of her started to mumble to each other and some even tried to walk over to her, but Tristana had nudged her out of the way towards a door to another room. Teemo didn't follow, he decided to stay in the hall to talk to his other friends.

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