Chapter 17

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   After I got off the phone with Chance, I joined Braxton and my mom in the living room. I enjoyed seeing them talk and laugh together. I really enjoyed seeing Braxton smile for a change. What y'all laughing at? Your mom was telling me about your first boyfriend. Oh lord, I said while rolling my eyes. Y'all aint got nothing else to talk about? We talked about a lot, my mom said. It's getting kind of late so im going to bed, my mom said. Thank you for letting me stay here. No problem, I got the guest room all fixed up for you. I want you to have a good night sleep and I will see you in the morning. Thank you again, Braxton said while kissing my mom's cheek. Goodnight ma! Goodnight, see y'all in the morning.

Your mom is so sweet, she reminds me so much of my mom. I knew she was the perfect person you needed to talk to. I really appreciate everything you doing for me. I don't know where I would be without you right now. It's my job so it's nothing. It's your job to solve my case. It's not your job to be here for me like that. Well, I can't let you go through it alone. Where did you disappear to? My mom felt some kind of way about you spending the night without my husband knowing. I called him to let him you know that you were here. He was ok with it? Yeah, he knows im doing everything to solve your case. I'm glad he was understanding, Braxton said. Yeah, im glad he was too. Where are you sleeping? I probably sleep in my mom's room. You can take the guest room, ill sleep right here. It's ok, I don't mind sleeping with my mom. Well, im going to call it a night myself. I would love to stay up and talk to you but im kind of beat. It's ok, I said. After Braxton went in the guest room, I went in my mom's room. Why you crawling in my bed? Where else you thought I was going to sleep? I don't know child, my mom said. Thank you for letting him stay here. After just talking to him, I can tell he definitely needs somebody right now. That's why I wanted him to come here. Where he been staying? I don't know, his car I think. I feel so bad for him, my mom said. Yeah, I say that every time I think about his case. Hopefully him being here will kind of ease his mind a little. I should take him with me to my church group in the morning. You know Sister Claudine will put on a show in front of everybody. I know, I said while laughing. I'm sure he wouldn't mind going with you. It ain't nothing a little prayer can't fix. I thought it was a great idea for Braxton to go to my mom's church group. Once them 5 ladies get together, prayers come true.

I woke up around 2am to get something to drink. You scared me, I said. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. What you doing up? I can't really sleep, so I been sitting here reading. What about you? I just came down to get something to drink, I said. I want to thank you again for letting me stay here, Braxton said while walking towards me. This the first time I felt any type of comfort. Obviously not too much comfort if you can't sleep. It has nothing to do with that. I always read a scripture or 2. I'm just glad I saw this bible in the guest room. My mom actually wants to take you to her church group meeting. I'm all for that, Braxton said. I'm glad you are. I can't thank you enough for everything, Braxton said while grabbing my hand. I was getting a weird vibe from Braxton. Well, not necessarily a weird vibe. I was just getting this romantic type of vibe. Sure enough, Braxton was feeling some type of way. He leans in and kisses me. I always find myself in this situation a lot lately. What was that? I don't know what was going through my head, Braxton said. You wasn't thinking really. With everything you got going on, I don't blame you. Since you don't blame me, I can kiss you again. I didn't respond, I just looked away. I'm taking that as a yes, Braxton said while turning my face towards him. Right before he could kiss me again, I heard the toilet flush. Glad my mom didn't walk in on us. Guess ill go back to bed, I said. Guess so, goodnight.

Where is Braxton? He wasn't in the room? No, I went in to ask him if he wanted to go to church with me but he wasn't in there. That's strange, I said while sitting up. Maybe it was that kiss y'all shared that ran him off. What kiss? Kaydence, don't play with me. You saw us? Yes, I saw y'all. As you see, I didn't expect that. As I saw, you didn't stop him. It was happening before I knew it. I knew him staying here wasn't a good idea. Soo, it's my fault? Wellll, it was your idea to let him spend the night. I really thought him spending the night would have helped him. Yeah, helped him get closer to you. It wasn't like that, I said. I know what I saw and from what I saw, that kiss says something different. Let me get out of here, I said. Yeah, get on out here. I got stuff to do anyway. I really wasn't expecting Braxton to kiss me or try to make any type of move on me. I don't even see how he can think about anything else with everything he got going on right now. Well, I thought kissing me was the furthest thing on his mind. I ran home, took a shower, and headed to the station. When I made it home, I saw Chances' car.

Baby! What time you made it in? Around 6am maybe. I missed you, I said while hugging him again. I missed you too! You just leaving your mom's? Yeah, just came to take a shower and head to the station. How everything go last night? It went ok, he felt better after talking to my mom. That's good, Chance said. She wanted to take him to her church group meeting, she thought that support would help him. Yeah, I think it would too. When we got up this morning, he was gone. He didn't leave a note or anything? No, ill try to call him later. How about a quick session before you go? That don't sound too bad right about now, I said. It's been a little minute since Chance and I fucked. I was definitely looking forwarded to it too. Let me take a shower first, I said. For what? I'm just going to get you dirty again anyway. I'm not sure if Chance missed me or he was up to something. Chance not too big on oral as ive said before. It's super rare I get that from him. When I do get it, I ain't mad. I couldn't help but enjoy feeling Chances' tongue graze my clit. It's been a minute since I got a little tongue action from anybody. Of course im enjoying every second of this. Just feeling Chance suck my clit, sent chills all over my body. Right before I climaxed, he stopped. What's wrong? Nothing, Chance said while wiping his mouth. Why you stop? I just wanted to please you for a minute. If you wanted to please me, you wouldn't have stopped. I was kind of pissed he stopped. Like, what was the point of starting if he wasn't going to finish? I didn't feel like arguing or going back and forth about it. I got in the shower and headed to the station.

Hey Captain! Good morning Linda! I walked passed the conference room and saw my team discussing a case. What's going on, I asked Blake? Early this morning around 4am, a woman was found dead on her front porch. What? Yeah, here are the details. As I was looking at the photos my team took, I recognized the woman. OMG! What's wrong? This Mrs. Livingston, my old drama teacher in high school. What happened? From the crime scene, it was a simple break in really. They broke in, slit her neck, then put her on the front porch for someone to find her. Her neighbor just so happened to be walking her dogs when she saw her. Whoever did this, made sure her porch lights were on so she could be see when people walked passed. Check this out, Blake said while handed me another photo. It was blood on the walls that read; X marks the spot, X=? Let me guess, same killer? How did you guess that? I'm not sure what's going on here but something ain't sitting right with me. Clearly this killer is sending a message but im not sure what that message is. I highly doubt Miss Trickleman and Mrs. Livingston knew each other. Why would the killer leave the same message at both crime scenes? What is the message he trying to send?

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