Chapter 32

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   Last night was definitely not I night I was prepared for. Chance didn't even come home last night. I don't know where he stayed, but im sure he's at Honest house. I still don't understand why he's so upset with me. I called my mom over to talk to her about it. Hopefully her wisdom will help this makes sense to me. Hey you look pretty. Thank you, you want some coffee. Yes, please. I have to tell you about my day yesterday. I went to the station, Blake came in my office. He tells me Chance was there getting interrogating. What? Yes, Smith issued a warrant for him to be questioned. The Mayor was in the room while he got interrogated. Mayor John S. Stevens? Yes, him ma. Lord, that man is fine. I'm sorry, go head. Smith really thinks Chance is the killer. They let him go or whatever. Smith and Stevens come into my office. Smith really tried to play me in front of Stevens. How? He tried to catch me in lie in front of Stevens. Asking me questions about what chance said to them. Basically, trying to see if our stories matched. He can't do that, my mom said. That's exactly what I said. I broke every rule by telling Chance the details on this case. I told him every little detail. I told him ahead of time that he was being considered as a suspect. I wasn't supposed to do that, but I didn't want him to hear about it without me being the one to tell him. I'm his wife before im a Captain. You did the right thing, my mom said. When I got home, he wouldn't talk to me. You see he broke our wedding picture? How he do that? He slammed the door so hard, it fell off and shattered. What? That's not like him at all. Who you telling? He didn't even come home last night ma. Yeah, that's not like him at all. I don't understand why he's so upset with me.

He has a reason to be upset, but not with you. You're in an uncomfortable position that you can't control. I don't know how to explain that to him without us going back and forth all night. We're arguing more than we ever have. I think with him being a suspect, it's overclouding his better judgment. It's making him not see the bigger picture. Once he's clear, he'll understand your position. So, I should just step back and let him cool off? It's better than constantly pressing the issue and making it harder for y'all to move forward. If he at Honest house, let him stay there. Let him come home when he's in a better headspace. Ok, it makes sense. You can't let this case put a strain on your marriage. I'm trying not to ma. This case is stressing me out beyond belief. These deaths are getting closer and closer to me. Remember I told you I cheated with 3 different guys? Yes, I painfully remember. Kris and Talen were 2 of the guys I cheated with. Wait, Kris that worked with you?

Yes, that's him. Sooo, that's why he transferred? Yeah, we didn't want it to interfere with work. You slept with Talen? Yes. You never sleep with somebody your husband knows. It just kind of happened, I said. Now im starting to kind of see why Chance is being looked at as a suspect. Ma? I'm being honest, my mom said. If he knew you cheated and who you cheated with, it'll make sense for him to kill them. That's his motive behind it all. That's why I haven't told anybody who I cheated with. If I tell anybody the 2 people I cheated with are dead, they most definitely going to pin this on Chance. It's the truth, anybody is going to think the same way. I'm ready all of this to be over with. I was thinking about quitting after I can prove Chance is innocent. Why? Ma, this job is too much for me. It's stressing me out more than anything in my life. That's not a reason to quit. You've put so much into your career; all that hard work will be going to waste if you quit. It's not because I will still be the first female Captain. That's an accomplishment that nobody can take from me. Do what you feel is best for you, my mom said. Either way, you know I support you.

After my mom left, I just kind of chilled for the rest of the day. I didn't want to go to the station or be bothered with none of this X killer stuff. I just wanted to chill, enjoy the rest of my day, and have a little fun. I got me a glass of wine, balled up on the couch, and watched a good ole' movie. It was going on 6:00 and Chance still wasn't home. He hasn't attempted to call, text, or nothing. I'm taking my mom's advice and just giving him his space. Hopefully him being gone all day will help him see things from my point of view. He doesn't understand how difficult my position is in all of this. I'm in a fucked up position and it's only getting more fucked up as this case goes on. The whole time I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but think about Chance. I hate when we're not in a good place. It just throws everything in my mind and body off. I wanted to call him, but im trying to give him his space. After my third glass of wine, Chance finally came home. Hey, you finally decided to come home. I'm sorry for being mad at you, I have no reason to direct my anger towards you. I should be more understanding of why you're upset. I just want you to understand this position all of this put me in. I understand, I just hate that im the suspect. I'm going to fix all of this, I said. I was glad Chance understood my position in all of this. Us not being on the same page is not helping at all.

Chance and I got in the bed after we talked. I didn't like sleeping alone, I said. I just needed some space, Chance said. What's that smell? I was just about you the same thing, Chance said. I know it ain't the garbage smelling like that, I said. Chance and I walked around the whole house trying to find the smell. It's something in the backyard, I said. What? I don't know, it's big whatever it is. Chance and I slowly went outside. The smell got stronger the closer we got. What is that? As we got closer, we noticed it was a body. OMG! Wait, flash the light again. I noticed it was Braxton's body. Who is this? It's Braxton, the guy's case I was working. Chance went in the house and got my phone. I don't know why Braxton would be killed and put in my backyard out of all places. I flashed the light on him and noticed something on his stomach. X marks the spot, X=? The killer wrote on it on his stomach in blood. I never fucked Braxton, why would the killer kill him? Here you go, Chance said. Blake, I need you and the team to my house NOW! What's going on? I just need y'all to get here now. I'm on the way, ill call them.

I still couldn't understand why the killer went after Braxton. I know for a fact this not Chance doing. We we're both in bed together, so I know he didn't do this. I feel so bad for him right now. He lost his entire family a few weeks ago, he just found out he has a brother from another woman, and that brother killed his family. Now he ends up dead, God I hope you have a better plan for this man. All I could do was cry while waiting on the team to arrive. The killer has 2 more people left and we still have no idea who it is. The team finally arrives. What's going on? Just come look, I said while leading them to my backyard. Somebody put him here, I said. Wait, is that Braxton? Yes, I was just as shocked as you. Look what's on his stomach. The X killer strikes again, Blake said. Why him tho? I said the exact same thing. Where is Smith? That's weird, Smith said. Well, more interesting than weird. Y'all been mighty close lately and now he ends up dead in your backyard. That night at your mom's house must didn't go too well. How about you do some cop work, Blake said. I am, sounds like Chance wasn't too happy when he found out Braxton spent the night at your mom's house with you. Leave my husband out of this, I said. You've already questioned him, didn't get nothing out of him, now he's off your suspect list. He just might be back on the list. This is too much of a coincidence, Smith said. Just get his body out of my backyard.

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