Chapter 35

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   I received an email from King, he said it was urgent that he see me. I was on the fence about meeting up with him, but I was curious to see what he wanted. After our last talk, I really thought he was gone or at least going to leave me alone. I didn't respond to the email, I ignored it. A few hours later, he texted me the same thing he said in the email. Considering his behavior lately, I wasn't too sure about seeing him. He been doing some weird shit, the shit you see in movies. After ignoring the email and the text message, he left a voicemail. I heard it in his voice it was serious. I never heard him speak in that kind of tone before. I let him know I would meet him at the park in 15 minutes. It was a Saturday, I know the park is filled with people. I was still a little unsure, so I told Blake to tag along. I don't know what King wants or what he's up to now. I didn't want to take no chances of this meeting going wrong. I told Blake to be in the background, but not be seen much.

Hey, you look beautiful. Thank you! I'm glad you finally responded, King said. You said it was urgent, so im here. I know you loved me, King said. What is it? I talked to Honest. And? She told me you quit your job. You were so hyped about getting the Captain position, why you quit? For better opportunities, I said. Like what? This why you wanted to talk to me? No, she also told me you confessed. Since he knows and willing to forgive you; he shouldn't mind us still dealing with each other. Goodbye King, I said while standing up. Wait, King said while grabbing my wrist. Seriously, what made you confess now? It's really not your concern or none of your business. Don't be like that, im trying to be a friend. No you're not, you trying to see if there is a chance between us. You don't care nothing about my marriage. I don't, but I care about you. I prefer to not to, I said. Honest told me he already knew you were cheating or have cheated. Don't you find it weird he didn't say nothing? He said he knew you were cheating since before y'all came to the resort. He been holding it in all this time and never said anything. Just sounds like he gotten a hidden agenda if you ask me. As much as I was trying to play it off, what King said does make sense. If he knew I was cheating before the resort, why he never said anything? That means he knew I was cheating when I was dealing with Talen. It's not like Chance to hold something in or keep secrets from me. Kaydence, rather you believe me or not; he's up to something. If he knew his wife was cheating or cheated multiple times with multiple people, he would have said something. Who said it was with multiple people? Honest, King said. When I went over her house, he was there. She told me everything once he left. She also told me she was planning something. Planning what?

She doesn't want you with him no more after you betrayed and humiliated him. She plans on finding somebody you're attracted to, have him sweet talk you into fucking him, and have Chance catch you. She said, once you cross my brother; you've crossed me. A part of me didn't want to believe King, I know his real motive for telling me all of this. The other part of me believes Honest really need all of this. She's always been protective of Chance, especially when we were engaged. She was ALWAYS in the middle of our relationship and our marriage. I had to put her in her place a few times in the past. After that, we've been pretty cool for the sake of Chance. I never wanted to put him in a position where he had to choose between his wife and his sister. It used to kill him seeing us go back and forth. Honest knew after we got married, I wasn't going nowhere. She decided to put our differences aside. It was to a point I didn't even want her at the wedding. I officially gave her the invite 3 days before the wedding. Only reason why I did was because of Chance. I saw how it was affecting him that we weren't getting along. I didn't want to start our marriage with family problems. So, I let everything go and treated her like my sister-in-law. I wasn't shocked that she told King all of our business. I knew Chance was going to tell her and I knew she was going to tell King. Now im starting to think, could Honest be the X killer?

What's your reason for telling me all of this? I just wanted you to know, your own sister-in-law is plotting against you. I just feel like both of them are up to something. If he knew you were cheating this whole time, that means she knew. Both of them been holding it in for however long and never said anything to you. Didn't ask you, didn't confront you, none of that. You have to wonder, why neither one of them said anything. There's a motive behind it, I got a feeling it's not a good motive. I have to admit, everything King said made sense. Thank you for telling me. I want you to know, I won't deal with her anymore. If she can plot against her own family, it's not telling what she'll do. I want to apologize too, King said. For what? Everything basically, I feel like you don't even look at me the same no more. Why you say that? I just feel like with everything ive done lately, it kind of turned you off. It has in a way, I said. I never wanted it to be like this. I wanted you to myself or at least still be able to be with you. I know that's wrong to say considering the fact you're married. I just couldn't help the fact I fell in love with you. You gave me a feeling I haven't felt since my first love back in college. I wanted to cherish that feeling for as long as I could. I know I can't have you in a way I want to, but I still want a friendship with you. We'll have to work on the friendship. I don't want us to build a friendship and you cross that line. I won't, I promise. We can work our way to a friendship, I said. Thank you! I have to go, thank you for telling me. No, thank you.

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