Chapter 22

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  After leaving the airport, I went on and headed to King's house. I know I shouldn't go, I know. I just have to see him one more time. Not so that we could fuck or nothing. I really just want to be in his presence. Before going there, I called Chance. He didn't answer, guess he busy. I was excited to see King again. I tried to keep in mind everything Blake said but it was hard. I can't help we have a strong connection. I don't know if I was speeding or didn't realize how close King's house is. I made it to his house pretty quick. I texted and told him I wasn't sure if I could make it or not. I only said that because I wanted to surprise him. I'm sure he didn't think I was coming at all. I made a promise to him, so I was going to keep it. I stood at the door for about 3, 4 minutes or so ringing the doorbell. I know he's here, his car is here. I went around the back, maybe the doorbell don't work. When I went around back, I saw King in the backyard working out. His back was towards the gate, so he didn't see me standing there. I just stood there admiring his body. Lord, this man looks so good when he sweats. I stood there for a good 5 minutes just watching him workout. Hell, I was getting turned on just watching him.

I knew I would find you back here, I said while entering the gate. I thought you weren't coming? I only said that because I wanted to surprise you. I knew you wouldn't let me down like that. I got a towel off the bench and wiped King's face. You looked like you were trying to blow off some steam. I was a little bummed you couldn't come, King said. I came back here to occupy my mind. I couldn't get you off my mind after you left my office. Really? I couldn't even focus on work no more. I tend to have that effect on people, King said. You most definitely have that effect on me. I'm glad you came tho, I really wanted to see you again. I was so turned on by just standing near King, I didn't want to talk no more. I just started kissing him. King took my jacket off and threw it on the bench. The kiss was so passionate, I was turned on even more. King unzipped my skirt while we were kissing. Of course, I didn't have on any draws. I didn't plan on fucking today or nothing. I just didn't put none on today. King laid me on the lawn chair and got on top of me. Kaydence I love you, King whispered. I love you too, I whispered back. Not sure if it was in the heat of the moment or that's how I truly feel. I'll deal with that later, right now im going to enjoy this moment. Considering the fact we were in his backyard, I tried to control my moans. I didn't want his neighbors hearing us. This is why im so stuck on King. Chance would have NEVER done no shit like this. I tried to suck his dick in the car one night and he lost his mind. King is fucking the life out of me right now in his backyard. This is the type of shit I love, but Blake wants me to give all this fun-fucking up. That won't be happening no time soon. Damn, King said while wiping his self-off. What? That was everything I needed. Sooo, that's the only reason you want me? Kaydence, of course not. You think I would be chasing you this long for some sex? I'm just going off the vibe you give off. No, I want you in so many other ways. With you being married, I know I can't have you in the ways I want you. If sex is all you willing to give me, im cool with that until something changes. I fell in love with the woman you are, not because your sex is amazing. I think I should be going, I said while picking up my purse.

I want to believe King doesn't want me for just sex. I really thought what we had was a little deeper than that. I was headed home when my mom called. I hope she not about to talk about my dad's funeral. Hey ma! Hey, you at work? No, headed home. I was just calling to tell you about this dream I had. Oh lord, I said. My mom is very big on her dreams. I don't care what she dreams about, it becomes important to her. She has tons of journals filled with the dreams she has. She's been doing this since she was in her early 20s. She always writes the dream and the date. A few of her dreams has come true some kind of way. That's why keeping track of them is important to her. What was it about? You found out you were pregnant. At the time you found out, Chance was out of town. You waited until he came home to tell him. He was beyond happy! That's it? Yeah, the phone woke me up. So, you know what this means right? Yes, you think im going to get pregnant soon. You already pregnant, my mom said. How you figure that? You are my child and I am a woman. I can tell when somebody is pregnant. I'm not pregnant ma. Did you take a test? No, I said. Well you don't know if you pregnant or not. Take a test and I bet you are. I know for a fact im not pregnant, I said. How? Chance don't nut in me enough for me to get pregnant. You act like you need a lot to get pregnant. All you need is a few drops and boom, pregnant. Well, there is no boom. Chance don't want kids right now so, he don't nut in me. Uh huh, I know what im talking about. Bye ma. Don't be calling me telling me I was right. Y'all see what I go through? For me to be pregnant, Chance and I have to be fucking. We haven't fucked in I don't know how long.

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