Chapter 33

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   After the team got Braxton's body, it was impossible for me to go to sleep. I sat in the bathroom and just cried. Why is this happening? God please, give me some type of sign. I don't think I can take no more of this case. I didn't even feel right being at home now. This killer knows where I live, that's a scary thought. I got to get out of here, I said. Where you going? To my mom's, I can't stay here. Knowing this killer knows where we live is too much for me to handle right now. I don't blame you, guess ill go back to Honest house. We both packed a bag and got the hell out of there. I know my mom is going to wonder why im coming over this late. I just need to get away from here, FAST!

Kaydence, what you doing here so late? Braxton was killed and left in my backyard. OH MY GOD! Are you ok? No ma, im on the verge of having a breakdown. I never cheated with Braxton, so why the killer go after him? Why would the killer leave him in my backyard to find? I know you don't want to hear this right now, but im going to say it anyway. All of this is your karma for cheating on your husband. Really ma? Yes, finding the killer ain't the way to end this. What's the way? Confessing, I mean really confessing. Not coming up with a bullshit excuse to half way tell the truth. You need to come completely clean to Chance before another life is taken. I can't do that ma, I just can't. Well, you got to get out of here then. What? You not about to bring that bad karma to my doorstep because you don't want to face the truth. You created all of this, nobody but you. I always tell you, God has he ways of making you pay for what you did. If taking lives is his way of punishing you, that's something you have to deal with. Running over here ain't going to help nothing. You need to tell Chance the truth before he finds out some other way. Maybe my mom is right, it's time for me to come clean. I really wanted to take me cheating to my grave. I didn't have no intentions of telling Chance. If this what I have to do to spare the last 2 people lives, ill do it. I can honestly say, Braxton was completely innocent. He knew I was married, he respected it, and we never fucked. Him being killed makes no sense at all.

I couldn't sleep at all, I tossed and turned all night. Mainly because I kept thinking about what happened to Braxton. Good morning, my mom said. Morning. How you sleep? Not good at all, I said while sitting down. I thought about Braxton all night. I'm sure you did, you want some coffee? Yeah, put a little bit of vodka in it. It's too early for all of that, my mom said. I'm not going to turn to drugs, so alcohol is the next thing. What you going to do? I have no choice but to tell Chance the truth. Braxton being killed is the final straw for me. He been through so much over the last few weeks. Now, look what happened to him. It's very sad, but maybe it was apart of God's plan. God knew how hard it was for him to accept his family being gone. God saw he was broken and in pain. This was God way of bringing him back with his family. A fucked-up way, excuse my language. Everything happens for a reason, that reason becomes clear when God feel like we're ready for the answer. The reason is not for us to understand, it's for Braxton to understand in the afterlife. I'm sure he's reunited with his family right next to God. That's how im trying to look at it, I said. I need to check on Talen's mom, I know she going through it. She lost her only son, im sure she is too. I just can't believe all of this is happening back to back like this. Well, it comes with the job. I'm about to end all of that, I said. What you mean? I'm resigning today, I can't take this no more. Resigning is not going to solve all of this. I know, but I want to resign before I tell Chance the truth. Rather I resign or not, he's going to be considered as a suspect. Especially, if anybody knew the 2 of the people I cheated with was killed. Do what you feel is best.

After leaving my mom's house, I went to the station. I have to fix this some kind of way. Hey, I didn't think you were coming in. Send Blake to my office please. Sure thing, Tia said. I was preparing my resign email to Stevens when Blake walked in. You wanted to see me? Yeah, I need to talk to you. Good, I need to talk to you too. You first, I said. I was comparing Braxton's photos to the other cases. The writing on Braxton doesn't match the other writing. Everything about it was completely different. Why you think he was killed? That im still trying to figure out myself. Did you sleep with Braxton? No, that's why im still confused. This killer knows where I live Blake. If this killer didn't make his message clear before, he really making it clear now. What you wanted to talk about? I'm resigning, I said. What? I can't take this no more. This case is the WORST I have ever worked or witnessed. This is a whole nother ball game right now. The fact this killer is after me, and he's putting dead bodies in my backyard is something I can't deal with. I don't want you to resign, but I get why you want to. I just know it's going to look suspicious me resigning all of a sudden. Only person that's going to think that is Smith, but nobody cares about what he thinks. I think im going to tell Chance the truth. Really? Yeah, I think maybe everything will stop. I want to resign before telling Chance everything. That way I can't be responsible for telling him the case details. I hope everything works out for y'all, Blake said. Yeah, I hope im doing the right thing. The truth is always the right thing, it's about how the outcome is.

I typed up my resign email and sent it off. I know this is going to take a toll on our household financially, but I know it's the right thing to do. I can't take another lost right now. I was scared shitless to tell Chance everything. I'm not ready to face the reality that he could possibly walk away from me. I'm already dealing with a lot of guilt, I really can't take no more right now. What you doing home? I resigned, I said. What? I'm not built for this job no more. I can't take another death right now. You sure this what you want to do? It's already done, I said. I think you should have gave it more thought first. I been thinking about it for a while now. Braxton's death was the last straw for me. He been through so much hurt and pain. I don't understand why the killer would kill him. Smith said something that got my attention. What? He said y'all been close or whatever. You know I was the only person he felt comfortable talking to, especially with everything that was going on. I'm the only person he trusted at that time. You knew ahead of time that he spent the night at my mom's house. Yeah, I know. That's why I called and told you, I didn't want you finding out on your own. The reason why I stayed was because I didn't feel comfortable leaving him there with my mom. I understand, it's the way Smith said it. He thought you didn't know, that's the only reason why he said it. If he knew I already told you, he wouldn't have brought it up. If you feel like resigning is best for you, I stand beside you. Thank you baby.

I had an amazing night, Honest said. I'm glad you did, I enjoyed myself too. What you have planned for today? Check on my friend's mom, probably hangout with Chance, or something. What about you? Get some work done, that's probably about it. Aw, sorry I kept you busy all night. It's ok, I didn't mind at all. Thank you for letting me stay the night. It was late, so it wasn't a problem. I really like spending time with you, Honest said. I like spending time with you too. You have been a great escape from everything, King said. I'm glad I could help take your mind off everything. You most definitely have done that. I have a question, Honest said. Ask away. Did you know Kaydence before coming over? I met both of them at the same time, King said. No, did you know her before then? Why you ask me that? Well, you said her name a few times while you were sleep. I did? Yeah, you did. I didn't know her personally didn't know her, but I knew of her. How? She held a stop the violence movement, I was there. After she gave her speech, I spoke to her. I shook her hand and commended her on starting this movement. I never introduced myself or held a real conversation with her. I thought she was attractive, very beautiful, smart, and intelligent. I didn't know she was married. She reminds me so much of the woman I dealt with, I look at them as the same person. If I was calling her name, I probably had the other woman in mind. I wouldn't disrespect their marriage like that. I didn't think you were that type of guy, Honest said. I'm not that man at all. That's good to hear, im really feeling you so far. I'm feeling you too, King said. Will I see you later? I think I can make that happen. Good, just come by whenever you done with work. Ok, see you later.

I need you to watch my house, my mom said. Why? I'm going to visit your Aunt Phyllis. Everything ok with her? Yeah, you know Stacey moved somewhere else. Phyllis don't feel comfortable being at home alone like that. Aw, I didn't know Stacey moved. Yeah, think it got something to do with that dude she dating. How long you going to be gone? Probably for a few days, hopefully. I know when I get up there, Phyllis not going to want me to leave. I'm glad you'll be out of town for a few days. That way ill know you're safe. Did you talk to Chance? Not yet, I will tho. I already sent my resign email. You really went through with it? Yeah, I told you I was going to do it. Blake was shocked I did it too. So, what you going to do now? Guess, ill just be a housewife for now. How you think Chance is going to take it? I'm not sure, but I hope he's understanding of my decision. I'm sure he will be, my mom said. I'll talk to him over dinner, maybe at a restaurant. I know he won't overreact too much in public. That's not the best time to tell him. This needs to be done in private. If he overreacts, that's the reaction you deserve. Trying to sugar coat it is not going to make the outcome any different. I guess you're right, I said. I knew I had to have this conversation with Chance, sooner or later. Guess, ill tell him over dinner.

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