Chapter 21

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I wasn't sure how to get in touched with Braxton. I wanted him to know the case is closed and I wanted him to meet Logan. I know them meeting might not be such a good idea, but he need to at least know why he no longer have his family here. I got Blake to put out an alert for Braxton. Hopefully somebody sees him walking around, out to eat, or something. Having this case off my plate is big. I can focus on these other cases and really find this killer before he kills anybody else. I think I found something, Blake said while entering my office. What? I found Braxton's business information online. His business number is his personal number as well. Seeing how the number is disconnected, I sent him an email. I asked if he could meet me somewhere to discuss business. I'm just waiting to see if he buys it. Hopefully he does, so we can let him know what's going on.

I was beyond starving, so Blake and I went out for lunch. I really needed to confide in somebody and Blake was the perfect person to do so. I don't have girlfriends to do this with. I used to confide in Honest a lot, but lately I haven't heard from her. I'm not sure why but we just haven't talked. It's a lot I want to talk to you about. What's up? First, none of this can leave this table. Come on now Kaydence. As much as we done told each other, it never left my lips to nobody. Ok, I cheated on Chance. WHAAAT! Kaydence no! I cheated quite a few times. Please tell me you're joking? Why would I be joking about cheating? With who? About with 3 different guys, well 3 in a half. That's if kissing somebody else considered cheating. Duh! If you kissed a man that's not your husband, that's considered cheating. What made you cheat? I thought y'all were in a good place. You've met Chance, he's not that risk taker. Everything is easy and safe with him. The other guys I was with, they were nothing like Chance. Out of the 3 guys, it's one that I just can't shake. The one that came to see you? Yes, it's something about him that I just love. He knew I was married but that didn't stop him from being with me every chance he got. You must have told him? Yeah, after we had already fucked like 3 or 4 times. I ended up calling him Chance while we were fucking. Damn! That was a dead giveaway. After I finally came out and told him, he still wanted me. Like now, he just wants one last time with me. Sounds like he just wants sex, Blake said. He knows im not leaving Chance, so he's willing to settle for whatever I give him. If sex is what im willing to give, he'll settle for that. When he came to see me, I may have let him taste it for a few minutes. OMG! He kind of just did it on his own. I promised him I would come see him later. Why are you doing this? You have something beautiful with Chance, you have something people are dying to have. Shit, im dying to have what y'all have. If he's loving, supportive, faithful, and has been from the beginning; then you don't have a reason to be cheating. I get he's not wild like you or like you want him to be. You have to understand that's just not in his personality, he wasn't raised to be that type of guy. If that's something you knew from the beginning and you still choose to marry him, you can't fault him for that. All you can do is talk to him and maybe he'll be willing to try to be what you want him to be. If you don't have that conversation with him, then you are 100% wrong for what you're doing. Of course, everything Blake said was true.

I never really had a real conversation with Chance about what I expected from him. I mean, yeah I expected him to be everything he is now. I want him to be a little more adventurous and spontaneous. I figured eventually he would want to try new things so that our marriage wouldn't get boring. I know I should have this conversation with Chance, I should have had it before I cheated. Before I do so, I am going to see King. I just love the feeling I get when im around him, the attention he gives me, and the way he makes me feel. It's more than what he does with his tongue. I get this we're meant to be feeling when im with him. I would love to get to know him on a deeper level. Although, im a little scared to get that close to him like that. I don't want to fall in love with him. Well, no more than I probably already have.

He responded, Blake said. What he say? He said he lands in 20minutes, I can meet him at the airport. I wonder where he coming from, I said. We'll know soon. We left the café and headed to the airport. I'm kind of excited to see Braxton. Mainly because I was worried something happened to him or he disappeared to hide something. I never thought he was the killer, but he started acting weird all of a sudden. I'm glad he wasn't the killer after all. While we were at the airport waiting, King texted. "thank you for letting me taste you again for those few minutes. My mouth was watering just sitting across from you. I really hope you come see me when you're done. I need a little more time with you". Why you smiling so hard? Nothing, I said while putting my phone back in my purse. Something got you smiling and I know im not your type. The guy that came to see me texted. What he say? He wanted to make sure I was still coming to see him. Are you? Still debating, I said. Kaydence, I think you heading down a self-destructing road. You have something good, don't mess that up. I'm not trying to, I said. You not trying to, but you are. Whatever this man is doing to you or willing to do, you need to talk to Chance. He needs and should be the man giving you everything this random man is. There's Braxton, we can finish this later.

Kaydence! Hey, im so glad you're ok. I thought something happened to you, I said. No, I completely forgot about my business with everything that's been going on. I forgot I had a business meeting set for out of town. I'm glad the client emailed me to remind me. We tried calling you, I said. I smashed my phone and it just shattered. I haven't really had time to get another one. Well, we have good news. What? The killer of your family came forward to confess. Really? Yes, he made a full confession. What was his reasoning? It was something that was building up inside of him and he just exploded. Who is it? I really didn't want to tell Braxton about Logan. I wasn't sure how he was going to take it. Who is it? This guy name Logan Maxwell. When I said his name, Braxton made a face. Who know him? No but the name sounds familiar. Before I get into his reasoning, how was your parent's relationship? They've been together since they were teenagers. I never heard or seen them fight. With me being the oldest, they both were pretty open with me about everything. Why you ask? Well, Logan is actually your brother. Excuse me? From the story he told us, your dad had an affair with his mom for years. Years? Yeah, he said his mom was your dad's mistress for 22 years. Wait! Wait! Wait! This not making sense to me at all, Braxton said while shaking his head. That's the story he told us and that was the reason he did what he did. I think you should sit and talk to him, Blake said. For what? He killed my whole family, there's nothing to talk about. Just so you can get a better understanding of who he is. I'm good on that, Braxton said. Thank y'all for everything y'all have done. After Braxton thanked us, he got up and left. I knew he wasn't going to take that will, I said. At least he knows, Blake said. Let's get out of here.

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