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"Why doesn't anyone believe me?!" I scream to the top of my lungs to my mother. "You're my mother for crying out loud! Aren't you SUPPOSED to believe me!!" I raise my voice at this point. She takes her arms and exasperatly waves them all over the place.

"Do you hear yourself right now?! You DO sound crazy?!" She spits back and my heart lowers in my chest. She knew I couldn't control what was wrong with me. And yet she still had the nerve to say that?

I shake my head, now at this point backing away from her with tears in my eyes.

"I'll go myself then." I say as I run out of my so called 'mother's' house. So much for a supportive family.

*A week before*

I was sitting on a bed. In a small cube light room it seemed like. It was quiet- awfully too quiet. The room had no windows, doors-nothing. Just me and a bed.

I look around and try to process what is going on, while searching for any light source I can find. Sadly, I don't find one. I carefully slide off of the small, child like bed and walk around. Trying to see if I could feel the walls that makes the room. But- everytime I try leaning on what I think is a wall I collide with only air and almost fall.

I breath in deeply. Here goes nothing. I run in one direction-which is the one straight in front of the bed- and dart off, seeing if I could hit possibly anything. I smile as I continue running and see a bright light. But as soon as that bright light disappears my legs meet the bed and I got over it.

Did I just.. Teleport?! I start to panic and and my eyes dart in every direction. I lift myself up using the side of the bed and sit back on it. I close my eyes- hoping that once I open them that this will all be over with.

Before I open them I have a strange filling. As if, someone was staring at me. And to my suprise, when I open my eyes, two green eyes are staring back at me. I gasp, the eyes aren't what scared me the most. But with how the eyes looked, is what did.

The green eyes just floating had looked as if someone had just ripped them out of their sockets and an invisible force was holding them up to display. I run my eyes, only to have make the sight worse. Now, in all directions that surround me- are eyes that seem to have been ripped from someone's sockets. All different colors. Blue, brown, green, and others.

Horrified to have to point myself out they are all looking in the same direction. In the same corner of the room.

Scared and shaking now at this point- I slowly advert my gaze to the one corner of the room the eyes are looking in.

My breath stops as I come in eye contact with an eyeless little girl. No eyes, the only things that were there seemed to be like this room. A dark void that had nothing. My heart begins drumming as I close my eyes.

Wait? I didn't close my eyes? A scream froms in my lungs and seeps it way out of my mouth. It was as though- just like all those other people and little girl- I had my eyes pulled out of their sockets.


I awake to my breathing quickening and my heart banging on my chest. As though it was trying to bang its way out and escape. Beads of sweat drops roll down my neck, back, and legs. My dark black hair, that was once in a ponytail, has strands sticking out and sticking to my face and neck. I compose myself and breathe normally.

It was only a dream. Since when isn't it? I roll my eyes at my thoughts as I pull the sheets off of me and since at the pains in my leg. I rub at the small bruises that are now forming on my knees. As I rub my knee, my hand comes in contact with something almost squishy like. I move my hand from it so I can see what it is. I scream as, once again, my eyes meet the same green eyes in my dream. I tumble off of the bed and rubs my eyes- a habit I do to get rid of the visions- and look back on the bed. A wave of relief hits me as I see that they're no longer there. Relief hits me in the blink of an eye (get it? Eye ;) I know.. I'm bad xD)

I walk out of my rest room after having getting ready for school. Yay! School! Sarcasm. I pull my black hair up into a messy top-knot and sling my emoji back-pack onto my back. I shut my bedroom door and walk downstairs to where my mom is waiting for me at the front door.

"Ready?" She asks as she looks as her watch on her wrist. I nod and we head out to her car. I hop in and buckle up as she turns on the radio and switches to different stations.

For the whole ride to school I look out of the window, admiring what little scenes of creepy looking trees and graveyards out town has to offer. I shiver as we pass the graveyard and just as I'm about to look away I spit a child in the corner of my eye. My gaze shoots to the child in my dream. A child that looked around nine to ten with black hair like mine, but longer. I bite my button lip as I advert my gaze from the scenery of the girl standing in between gravestones and look straight ahead the rest of the ride.


"Here we are." I mother says as she stops in front of the wide stretching building called Death School. Yes. That's the name of it. And also the name of our town that we live in. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a town called that- espically my mom. Besides the constant nightmares and visions I've had-and still do- she has something else to remind her of her daughters 'condition.'

I hug her real quick and say bye as I enter the school building. In greeted with Halloween decorations everywhere. It's almost Halloween- the year of kids dressing up scary and getting cany from what adults have lying around their house or they have bought at Wal-Mart. I pass the gigantic blown up pumpkin and head into the cafe.

"Sup." I say as I place my back-pack on the floor and sit down across from Henry and Carrie. Carrie looks up from her phone and says hi. Quiet. As usual. Henry gives me a smile and says, "don't mind her. She's just being... Her." He says and she elbows him in his arm and he chuckles as she continues texting on her phone.

"What you gonna be for Halloween, Avery?" Henry asks as he points to himself as he says, "I'm going to be a pirate." And Carrie looks up from her phone real fast and whispers, "A sexy cat." We both laugh at her fast response and I answer his question.

"I'm going to be tacocat."


Heyo! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Think of this story as an early Halloween present from me to you. Minus the candy :( sorry I don't have any. Anyways.. Thoughts? How do you like Avery? Carrie? Henry? I seem to like the plot well. I wonder who that ghost is. Ooooh 👻 spooky! Tell me what you think in the comments. And yes.. I'm thinking of being a Taco cat for Halloween. Or just a taco. Haven't made up my mind yet. *cough cough* indesicive. Thanks for reading my long and most likely lame note! Have a good day/night!

With the love of a million taco... Cats? ;)

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