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It was bright- I mean really bright. Like after hours of standing in a dark room and just walking outside and the sun meeting your eyes bright.

I hear birds, feel a cool October breeze hit me and shiver. Another dream? Give up already!
I hear laughter coming from behind me and see a girl being chased by a man, as he swoops her up in his arms and tickles her. It seems as if it is the same day, same year. But- it isn't. Or it would still be dark and they wouldn't be in a forest.

Wait? Forest? Don't we have a forest put by our house. I cock my gaze in different directions and spot it.

Yep. Our house. The same putside design and everything.

But somethings not right. What is that blur. I squint my eyes, trying to see what is at the top window, which I'm guessing is my room.

It's the man from Halloween night. The man that is just- blank. You can't see his face and it's as if he is something you'd see off of a old white and black TV show.

I watch as what seems his arm lifts up the same shiny object it had last time.


He held her down.

She was in her room-

Next to her lie her now deceased father's body. A body that held her warmth only just a few hours ago. Now just lying there, as blood runs out everywhere.

The girl is pinned under the man that is holding the knife as her small arms try shoving the object back. I try looking away as the man digs the knife deep in her sockets. The sound is sickening as I try not puke.


I awoke to the usual. Except this time I was nauseous. Really nauseous.
I run into the bathroom and do my business. I must have woken up earlier becuase I could just now hera my mom yell up to me from down stairs.

I get ready and head downstairs with my black boots and jacket.

"Come on! We're almost late!" She says as she hands me a peice of toast with cinnamon on it. I shove it in my mouth and eat it before arriving to the car.

All day, the whole seeing-spirits-thing had gotten worse. It's as if more people have been dying recently. And a lot more have been at school. I've even seen our school janitor a few times going down the hallway. It looked as if he got shot.

I made sure that no one knew I could see them. Non of them bugged me.

Though, sometimes I can't help but get curious.

At lunch, me, Carrie, and Henry were walking with our trays to the courtyard to eat at the tables there but among the crowd of teenagers, I see the same small girl. Having enough of ghosts for one day, I give my friends a lame excuse and run in the direction of the little girl.

"What do you want from me?" I whisper yell as I crouch to the girls level. Her hollowless eyes just stay still and she had a frown plastered on her face as she raises a hand and trues to touch my cheek. But her hand slowly drifts through my face. I frown too at this point.

"My name is Marie. I've been trying to warn you. Don't go near the guy." She says in a shaky voice.

"What guy? The man who killed you?" I ask and the girl nods, shaking as she does so, probably remembering the terrible things he did to her. I get a cold chill as I remember too that dream she had shown me.

"My name is Avery. How do you know I can see you all this time?"

"He told me. He can see us too." She says in a hushed tone.

"Who is this he you keep talking about?" I ask too curious at this point.

"Jacob." The girl says and my eyes widen a bit at the sudden answer.

Jacob can see ghosts too? But how did he know I could see them?


Sorry for the short chapter! I'm really tired right now and I haven't updated in a few days because my brother took my phone charger last night so I couldn't charge my phone. Anyways hope you liked it! Vote, comment, and have a nice day! 🍕

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