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The image I had on that phone was engraved in my head. It was like I just saw the ending of Marie getting murdered all over again.

The unknown little girls body was lying lip on the cement path way. She has multiple stab wounds on her body. According to the report she has seventeen. She had first got struck behind by an unknown men the police believe. From an interview of her friend, she was just walking home when a sudden man attacked her.

I look closer at the picture and realize that the girl could of been what I dreamt about last night. The knife, an unknown man, walking back from Jason's. Not only was I seeing glimpses of the past not but of the future too? This is crazy?! And I thought seeing just ghosts was crazy enough.

I was about to hand the phone onack to Jason but another sudden accident popped up on the screen. Following multiple others. All young girls. Teenagers, little girls, women. Some eyes gnawed out, some stabbed repeatedly.

"Look." Said Jason as he pinpointed each accident on his map on his phone. He showed us the map and we gasp.

All accidents pinpoint to where on the map is says,

I'm coming for you.

"Who though?" I ask and Anderson and Jason look back at me.

"Avery.. He's only attacking girls and you're the only girl in this room... And the only one who has saw him." Jason speaks as though he is stepping through a landmine, that if he uses the wrong words to me he'd instatnly blow up.

"This is some Supernatural stuff right here." I hear a woman's voice behind me say.

I turn around and come face to face with a tall brown haired woman. An exact copy of Marie but taller.

It seems as though Jason and Anderson had stopped moving and are now frozen like stones.

"You must be... Marie's mother, right?" I ask as I stand up, not want to twist around in the chair just to meet her face.

"Yes. Thank you for coming this far even though you are putting your own life on the line. We both appreciate it." She says and in a halt like motion, like when your television turns on after you press th on button on the remote, Marie appears next to her mom.

"Noes the time for you to take the revenge for us." Her mom says.

"Is this all you wanted? Revenge?" I ask with a frown.

"No. He has Marie's eyes also. He's kept most of his victimsms eyes after killing them. You find Marie's eyes and kill Ran. Then all is done for us and we can finally move on."

I nod my head and everything seems to continue, Anderson and Jason continue to talk as though time hadn't been stopped and Marie and her mother never appeared.

"You guys need to leave. Now. I drug both of you two into this mess. And id be mad to have y'all leave it dead. I started this hunt. I end this hunt." I say confidently as I turn to the two.

"As if we'd let you stay in a room with that freak?! Let us help."

I shake my head is disapproval.

"I can't let you.. But there is something you two can do to help me."


I continue to receive notifications about accidents nearby until the notifications suddenly stop.

He had reached the last place. Next is this house.

I hear the back door burst and in came him.

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