Taco Cat?

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"You need to know." The little girl I have been seeing for the past two days, so much so, that could paint and even draw her. She says this one sentence and it echoes throughout the hollowless room. Echoes and echoes.. As if she were chanting it mulitiple times. But she only had said it once.

"What do you want from me?" I hesitantly ask. Too scared of what she'd answer. I've neen having dreams and visions of the same girl for a whole two days. The visions and dreams are never alike so I don't know what to expect. But the thing that scares me the most is that.. I'm seeing the same ghost for a longer period of time than others. They usually have went on- you know to Heaven- or they just never show up again. But not this little girl. No- she's different.

The girl raises her hand and slowly points, gesturing to some tall figure standing behind me. I hold my breath as I spin on my heels to come face to face with a tall male like figure. I breath out, not as freaked out this time. The male- what it seemed like- was a dark cast shadow. Unlike the girl, you couldn't see his features, face- nothing. He was just a black shadow.

The man, in his shaky and loud booming voice repeats,

"I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it! I did-"

I plug my ears at this point, not being able to stand the words he repeats.
"Did what?!" I scream over his now yelling voice.

"Sent death." The man says and I wake up. Once again I am awoken to a sweaty body, messy hair, and frantic breathing and a thumping heart.


"So.. I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to the haunted hospital with me on Halloween night? Which is tomorrow night! Can't wait, by the way! Anyways, we can go trick-or-treating at the rich peoples houses nearby after the hospital. I mean.."
Henry leans in on the table as though he believes he is being secretive, but me and Carrie already know what he is going to say.

"They have the best and biggest Payday bars." I say as the same time as him.

Henry is obsessed with Payday bars. Sometimes I think he was born with one in his hand. Though, he argues otherwise. But he has to admit it.. He's just obssesed with Paydays as I am with tacos.

"So? Y'all coming or not?" He asks as he leans back normally in his seat.
"Sure." Both me and Carrie answer.

"Carrie? What do you always do on your phone anyways? Your always typing or something!" A curious Henry asks.
"Sandbox." She answers as she scrolls and I peek over her shoulder and notice small boxes with numbers on them.

"Is that like some shooting game or something?" He asks and I laugh.
"No. It's a coloring app. You just color a pixel like image using the numbers and colors. You match the number with the color and- BOOM you got your picture done." I say as I sip on my Sundrop.

"Yes. What she said." Carrie says as she continues tapping her screen.
"Which one is that?" I ask as I lean in on her screen.

"The taco." She says and I drool a little. Taco.


I get into my mom's car and sit in the car in silence as she listens to 107.5 music. I stare out at the dead trees and crows that we normally pass by- until I see her again. Her hair is the same long strands of black hair down her face. As though the moonlight sky three up on her head, giving her all its darkness. Her white dress fluttering as the wind blows it. And as if right on cue, the wind striks just right on her hair and reveals a creepy smirk she has plastered on her chilling cool pale face. I rub my eyes, thinking it might just make her go away, but it only then makes that same male shadown appears again.

The male stands next to the girl and puts a hand on her shoulder. As if comforting her someway. But I notice a small pointy object in his hand that looks like a kitchen knife. I scream, even knowing it wasn't real. What can I say? I was freaked out, ok!

"Watch out!!" I yell and my mom about spits out her drink and swerved a little- as though I was yelling at her to look out. She glares at me and begins lecturing.

"Don't do that when I'm driving! We could have crashed! Are you crazy?!" She says and puts her drink back in the holder and focuses back on the road. "What were you yelling at anyways?" She asks and I look out of the window, only to see the male and little girl gone.

"Nothing." I whisper under my breath and continue looking out of the window.


"Ok. Do you want to stick with the hero Henry. Or the Carry-the-phone-everywhere-Carrie." He says as he nick names him and Carrie. I smirk and say, "sorry Henry, but just because it's Halloween, it doesn't mean we have to stick with you." I say as I place a hand on Carries back and make sure to stick out my tongue at Henry as me and Carrie enter the hospital.

I had my taco hat, which shook around everywhere when I turned at the slightest sound. My 'Tacocat spelled backwards is Tacocat' shirt on that I found in the mens section. A small of course. And my fake whiskers and pink nose that was painted on my face. Yes, I went as a Taco Cat. Just like I had said.

Me and Carrie- for once she wasn't on her phone- head into a room and it is small and the lights are flickering, giving me a small headache. We both turn at a sudden moan to the corner of the room.

Except I think I see something different then what Carrie sees.


Ughh. Lately I've been so unproductive on here. I literally have found out about this app called Sandbox and now I won't put my phone down. At ALL. lol- anyways you should check it out. It's a good app. Anyways..

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Don't forget to vote, comment, and have a good day!

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