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"So.. Can I ask why we are at a graveyard.. With a shovel?" Jacob asks as I toss him a shovel.

"Obviously we're doing a scavenger hunt. Help me look for a certain grave stone." I say as I scan all of the stones with my flashlight. Making sure I don't miss a single name or last name.

"What name are we looking for?" He asks as he follows behind me, about tripping over some knocked over pots of flowers.

"Marie... I didn't get her last name. But I should be able to recognize her if she has a picture on her stone. Most little kids do when they die. And you should too since you saw her before." I say as I shine the bright flashlight into his face. He covers his face with his hands.

"The girl that showed up at my house?"

"Yep." I say as I turn around and begin scanning names.

About thirty minutes later we still hadn't found her yet, so we decided to just go home before anyone gets suspicious of our flashlights shining in a graveyard.

"So we're coming- WAH!" Jacob yells as he stumbles forward onto the ground. He shoots up and I laugh.

We both look down and I shine the flashlight directly onto a block that looks like a small grave. We share glances and begin digging at the weeds and stuff covering it.

"Marie Silverstone." We both say in usion.

"Daughter of Trisa and Anderson Silverstone. According to this the mother is already dead. So we should go to the father if we want information." I say as I write down the names in pen on a notepad.

"We? You aren't pulling me into this too just because I can see ghosts too you know?!" He says and I glare at him.

"Jacob. I believe someone is in danger. The little girl- Marie- came to me and warned me of the man that killed her. She said to watch out for him. And what if he goes after her father next?" I say as I shut my notepad and put my pen back in my bag and we throw the shovels in the back.

"We don't need the shovels?" He asks.

"You didn't notice? There was a picture of her on the tombstone. It was definitely her. So we don't need to dig her up." I say as I hop into his vehicle. "Sometimes you really scare me." He adds and I laugh.

We drive off and head back to his house.


When we get to his house I instantly look up the name Anderson Silverstone. I write down the address and I tell Jacob to free his schedule tomorrow because we are going to talk to Marie's father.

"Let me take you home." He says.

"No. My mom's probably looking out of the front living room windows right now trying to catch me for sneaking out. I'll walk. I'll just have to sneak in through my window." I say as I give him a smile.

"Thanks for the gesture though."

We part ways and I head in the direction of my home.


About halfway to my house I hear footsteps behind me. Loud ones. They almost seem like mens boots on the concrete pathway.

I turn around quickly but the sound stops and I see no one. A little scared, I quicken my pace.


I turn one more, turning so fast I could have sworn I gave myself whiplash. Still. No one was there. I sigh and begin running at this point.

I stop, hoping whoever is following runs straight into my back.

And they do. But I see a shiny object covered in blood poke out from my chest. I look down and panic. Once more I look back and come face to face with



I let out a bloody scream as my mom bursts through my bedroom door.

She rushes to my side, brushing the strands of loose hair off of my soaking skin.

"Are you ok?!" She panics. I've never seen her so panicked in my whole life.

"Yea... Thanks." I say, trying to savor this one moment my mom is being nice to me.

"Ok." She says as she walks out of my room.

Way to ruin the loving moment, mom.


"Here it is. Anderson Silverstones house." I say as me and Jacob head onto the unknown mans doorstep. I hesitantly reach my hand out to the door and knock it.

A man comes to the door, his grey hair fallen to one side as he has a slight stuble on his chin.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Anderson Silverstone?" I ask and me and Jacob trade glances and nod.

"Yes. That's me. Why?" He looks to us both and asks.

"Can we come in? We have something serious to discuss with you." I say and he nods, gesturing for us to come in.

He hands us some tea and I take it.

"Thank you." I say as I take a sip.

"So? What is this matter that needs discussing?"

I sigh as I sit the cup of tea in front of me on the table.

"Your daughter. Marie Silverstone. I believe when she was still alive you lived in a house down a street called Crimson Lane, right?" I ask and he looks a bit startled by the question.

"Yes! We did! How did you know?" He asks, a little shaken.

"Because that is where I live currently also I can see ghosts. And lately I've been seeing your daughter Marie and her killer. I dream of her memories. Of her." I say.

"Can you find him?!" The man asks as he leans over in his seat and grips onto my shoulders. I frown.


"That danged bastard! My brother! Marie's uncle. He had woken her up that night and- and- had killed her. He ran off in the middle of the night and the police never found him. He's been off the charts ever since." He says as his grip tightens.

"Her uncle killed her? I have seen him but I never got a good look at his face. It was always clouded by something black." I say and his grip seems to weaken as he takes his hands and claps them together and leans his head on them in his lap.

"Did she tell you why she wants you to see her? I mean why she appears." He says.

"I know part of why. She told me to be careful of him. I'm guessing now she is talking about her uncle. I was hoping to come to you and-"

"Guys." Jacob interject, directing me and Andersons gaze to him now.

"You might want to read this." He says as he passes the man the phone. The mans eyes widen as he passes the phone to me.

I make the same expression as him.

"He's here." I hear Marie say as she stands behind her father.

He's here.


Hello! I haven't updated this story in a while! I'm sorry! I was planning on finishing it before Halloween but oh well. Did you go trick or treating?


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