My New Life

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      I remember going to sleep at about 10 past 11.

*Next Morning*
      "Ally wake up, wake up! Please... Are you ok?" Issy was shaking me and trying to get me to wake up. "What...?"I moaned. I was still covered in blood from last night.
       "I couldn't tell if you were bleeding or not cause you're covered in it!" she said scared for dear life. I actually was bleeding, I wasn't surprised. "I am bleeding Issy, but also covered in a nurse's blood and Touka's blood"I replied while looking at my wrist.
      My wrists were cut, my face, and part of stomach. My leg had a giant gash on it and my arm felt like crap. My arms had scratches on them. Issy on the other hand was bleeding in her face and all down her legs. Her hand was also bleeding really bad through the bandages she just put on.
     "Is your hand ok..?!"I asked. "Um for the most part, I guess. My hand is apparently broke so yeah.... "she replied to my retarded question. "That was a dumb question to ask... Sorry,ummmm!?!?"I stuttered. "I gotta gooooo uhhh-----gotta go see Hinami"I said quickly.
       I ran out of that room at lightning speed, not realizing there were stairs up ahead. I fell down the stairs just as I looked in front of me. "AHHHHH FUUUUUUCK... SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my damn lungs. I eventually hit something soft and rolled into a table after what seemed like forever.
        I had fell unconscious from hitting my head on the stairs, the wall and the table.

*Touka's point of view*

      I had just come into the shop when I heard something falling down the stairs. I heard a loud scream. They were shouting some words but I couldn't understand between the bumps. Suddenly a girl with black braids came falling and hit me as I walked in front of stairs. "Shit.... Fucking baka!!"I yelled.

A/N baka-means "idiot" in Japanese

      I pushed the girl off of me just to see Ally. She was unconscious and was bleeding. Probably more than she was when she left her room. Me and Ally had fallen into the table. "My head.. "I said in pain.
     Issy came rushing down the stairs. She was freaking out. Yoshimura, Kaneki and Hinami came out of their rooms too. "What happened, and why are people screaming!"Kaneki asked me on his way around the corner. "Ally fell down the stairs and now she's unconscious"I replied.

*time skip*

*Ally's point of view*

I woke up once again, in a hospital. I was starving and needed to eat. I looked beside me this time to see Kaneki staring at me instead of Issy. "Your finally awake, I thought for sure you'd be out a little longer."He replied somewhat sarcastic.
      "Why am I in the hospital and why does my head hurt? My arm does too!" I asked, my memory being all fuzzy. "You fell down the stairs from running. You hit your head a bunch of times, which caused you to lose consciousness. You broke your arm and fell on top of Touka, so you both fell into a table. "he had answered all my questions.
      "Oh and you are not in the hospital. If you were in the hospital, the nurses would freak out cause the can't put their needles in you skin. They would also attempt to do a surgery on your arm and head. You also probably eat them again since you have been out for 5 days."he said now laughing.
       "I said I was sorry for eating her ok. I was hungry and had been out for 2 weeks. Give me a break please!"
I said wondering if everyone is mad. "And sorry for being to clumsy and falling down the stairs.... Is Touka ok?I asked.
     Yeah she's fine, she just hit her head on the floor. She'll be ok. She's been coming in her to check on you. We kinda made Issy say out of here because every time she saw, she either started crying or was blaming herself for the incident!"he told me everything that had happened.
       "I'll go tell Yoshimura you're awake."Kaneki said before rushing off. Issy was the next person to come in the room. She was creeping into the room as if she didn't want to be seen. Since she wasn't supposed to be in here, she closed the door making sure she didn't make a lot of noise. She turned around and gasped.
        "Ally your--- awake?!" she said whispering. "Yea, and apparently I have a broken arm. I'm sorry... I ran out on you like that."I said feeling bad. "YOUR SORRY.... It's all my---"Shhh, come here"I interrupted her.
       She curled up in the bed next to me. I wrapped my arms... Sorry I mean arm😂around her. We lay there for a while until... The door creaked open for us to now see Hinami. "Oh umm sorry, I didn't know you were awake or that Issy was in here! I was just umm coming in to check on you. I... I brought you cookies!"she replied as shocked as we were. After she said those very words, she was running back out the door.

*Why was Hinami nervous
*Is Hinami keeping secrets
*Next update 10-23-17
*Sorry I haven't been updating recently. I have been sick with pneumonia and I am at the doctor's office now for a check-up
*Love you all my sweet children
*follow @fizzy0izzy

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