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*joshua:i'm gonna bring home food, would you like anything?

josh hurried to pack his stuff, and race out to his car to reply to tyler.

*tyler: no thankyou. not hungry.

josh frowned. he never saw tyler eat.

*joshua: hm. okay. when i get home i want to actually have a convo. i never get to see you, much less talk to you.

tyler nearly fainted. his little hands clamped together and he sqealed like a little girl. he was gonna talk to his biggest crush.

but what if joshua doesn't like the way he sounds.

or the way he dresses.

and the way his voice stutters and how his hands shake

he didn't reply.

but josh did.

*joshua: see you in ten

Tyler squeezed his eyes shut and did a little happy dance and then shivered.

he was scared.


i have a little crush and he's really pretty :)

but he will never like me. and that makes me sad.

fragile // joshler Where stories live. Discover now