06 the reality

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Dr. Phana Kongthanin looked at his chart and then to the man behind the glass.

The young male smiled and laughed while stared at the wall, lost in his own mind.

Such a tragedy that boy was.A fragile human being that became a monster due to fate.

Who would have expected that Wayo Panichayasawat would be completely changed by the death of his best friend, Ming.

The two friends got involved in a car accident. Mr. Panichayasawat survived the ordeal with only a loss of two fingers while his friend, Mr. Daechapanya didn't. It was a serious blow for Wayo, changing his perception of the world when he was informed of his friend's death.

"It was unfortunate that we didn't find him in time. We might have saved his first victim Beam from the horror." The detective of the case and his friend, Forth interrupted his thoughts.

Phana didn't say anything, letting his friend continue.

"No one would believe that with an innocent face like that, a monster was hiding behind it."

"He wasn't a monster in the beginning. He was like any other person." Phana said to his friend, full of sympathy for the tragedy Wayo's friend brought to the world.

"Thank you Forth for saving Kit and bringing him in."

Forth snorted bitterly at the mention of the surviving victim's name and crossed his arms. "That man would have to live with that scar on his face for the rest of his life. I don't think I did enough."

"You stopped the man who would have killed him if you didn't find him." The doctor countered, wanting to comfort the detective of his accomplishment.

"How about you doctor? What will you do?" Forth asked turning his attention at the docile Wayo from the observation room. The detective remembered how the killer was when they found him. He was mad, unafraid of death. Forth received a couple of slashes before subduing the male.

Phana shrugged. "The same as I always do. I would try to help Mr. Panichayasawat. If that doesn't work, this hospital will do it's best to care for him. He cannot go to prison. "

Forth really wanted the male to rot in prison not to stay in a psychiatric facility. The man was a danger to society. "Why do you pity him?" He couldn't understand it. "He killed the first victim, Beam like he's some kind of animal. You've seen the remains. He even kept a souvenir."

The doctor remained unaffected by the man's anger. He looked back at Wayo, who remained where he was ten minutes ago. "You've seen the jar Mr. Forth. He stole his friend's heart. That isn't a sign of being cold-blooded. He loved Ming so much that when he was away from him by some drunk driver. He took the only thing he could get.

"Love is something we take for granted. He did and he paid the price. He spiraled out of control and went on a killing spree. Beam was his friend. I do not think he killed the man on a whim. There was also a trigger. We don't know what it was, but I am positive that there's something."

"would we even know what it is?"

"I don't know. Maybe. But he's not talking. Right now, he' stuck in his own little world."


Okay. Changed my mind. This is the end. I can't write more. It would looked too forced.

Have you guys figured it out most of the things right?

But I'm sure you guys have questions. So ask away and then I'll answer all of them in one go.

Thank you for joining me in this bloody journey and putting up with my horrible grammar and story flow. I can't thank you enough for the support you guys have given me. Until next time.


note to self: do not write morbid stories at night.

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