05 the kind soul

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warning: The following scenes show violence and other mature themes. I advise those who cannot handle such storylines to stop reading. Seriously, this is a bit more disturbing than the previous ones.


I woke up and found myself in the home of a kind soul; a doctor that lived not far away from where I was found.

He was too kind for his own good, I thought quietly. No sane person would save a man holding a jar with a person's heart. There was also those two fingers he kept as a souvenir from his dear friend.

It made me laugh. The doctor in him probably thought I can still be saved. It was already to late for that. I had fallen to the abyss, cannot be redeemed from whatever hell I had chosen for myself.

He tried to assure and comfort me that I am safe in his house. No one knew that I am here. This was his biggest mistake and my great fortune.

Fate was too unkind to him. He was unfortunate to meet someone like me. He had just given me the perfect place to hide in a silver platter.

I was only exhausted. Sleeping helped me regained my strength.

A day had passed since I lost consciousness. It was already noon when I woke up.

He left me for a moment to cook something for the both of us. I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. The wonderful scent of garlic wafted in the air and it was making me hungry. The hunger and food didn't matter match. I had made my decision as soon as I learned of our isolation and the danger I was running from.

No matter how kind this man was. He had seen me. I am no longer an innocent man. My pretty face can trick him but facts could not. The law enforcement were already looking for me. Any time, the media could put my face all over the news. Soon, he will discover who I am and report me. My beloved and I would then be separated forever. I cannot let that happen.

He was a lot taller than me, I noticed. He was also of muscular build but still lean. It would be hard to fight him off if he saw me coming. These were my thoughts as approached him. He smiled at me when he saw me, completely unaware of how short his life was going to be. He even smiled at me, too trusting of an unknown man in his home.

I smiled back with my hand hiding a bat I found in the closet behind me.

"That smells delicious." I told him, closing our distance step by step.

While his back was turned to me, he replied. "I'm making pasta. It's one of the few things I could cook well. Sit. It will be finished in a couple of minutes."

I suddenly leaned my weight on his back, forcing him to hold onto the counter to carry the extra weight. I smirked and whispered near his ear.

"Too bad. I couldn't wait anymore."

Before he could comprehend what I meant, I walked a couple of steps back and swung the bat as hard as I could.

Blood rained. I didn't stop and swung again.

The doctor didn't have the opportunity to scream nor cry for help and  fell like a broken doll.

I wasn't satisfied and I hit him a couple more times. Only when brain matter spilled did I stop.

The smell of blood was nostalgic. It hadn't been long since my last taste. I grinned and welcomed the metallic fishy smell of blood like a friend. The rush of emotions felt like I received the most special thing in the world.

His head was a mess. It's contents had turned into mush, spilling on the concrete floor.

Out of everyone, he was the most eye catching. He was also the most unfortunate. More unfortunate than that cutie I left in the motel.

 I cannot be saved. He was a fool to think that.

The smell of something burning turned my attention away from the body. I stepped over the broken body and approached the stove. The sauce was already thick. The red sauce had mixed with the blood when I had hit the man.

It got me curious. I turned off the gas and dipped my finger lightly on the sauce and put it in my mouth.


I ate until I could no longer take another bite. I smiled like a well-fed cat and stretched.

"Thank you" I said to the cooling body on the floor.

His food was the best I ever tasted and it also made me sleepy. I got up without  cleaning anything and headed to his bedroom. I wore his clothes and laid down on his bed. My eyes were dropping already. I smiled sleepily and comfortably settled myself.

Who else would be waiting for me? I wondered as each blink brought me closer to sleep.

the playlist:
Ga In - Paradise Lost

What if I told you, this is not the whole story? Remember. This is Wayo's perspective. 😊

Please watch out for the last chapter that would reveal the truth.


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