04 the seeker

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I slammed my hand hard on the steering wheel, hating that I was unable to finish what I started. I had become too impulsive and had not thought things through properly. My recent kill made me cocky, resulting in my current predicament.

That last one made a mess of things.

If I did not let him in my car, I wouldn't be in this predicament. My anger wasn't strong enough to stop the yawn from my lips. Every minute that passed, I could feel my limbs growing heavy. It had been more than 24 hours since I last slept. My body screamed for rest, but it won't be happening soon. I got the police behind me.

It didn't take long before one caught up to me. I laughed and glared at the annoying car following me. I sped up, trying with all my might to get away. I couldn't shake him off with using speed. The man behind the wheel was persistent.

No matter what, I promised myself I would be free. On impulse, I slowed down and matched the man's pace and slammed my car on his without remorse.

We were the only one on the road, making it easier for me. The first one didn't deter the driver. I did it again and hit his car right in the middle.

It took one perfect hit and he was flying in the air. The car flew like it was some toy tossed carelessly. I watched in awe as if it was some action movie.

The crashing sounds were so loud in the dead of night.  The sound would have traveled far and before long, there would be more like him.

Whether he was alive or not, I no longer. My freedom was more important. To be separated from my love, I cannot afford that.

I left the crashed car in the dust and went on my way before my car had ran out of fuel. When the car no longer functioned, I brought my jars with me and walked. For hours I walked until I could no longer do so.

Before I realized what was happening, I was already losing consciousness. My grip on my beloved didn't loosen as I let myself be consumed with darkness.

the seeker.


My actions were too hasty. I had forgotten about my own situation because of a simple victory.

Not only my car received damaged but I had also sustained injuries.


the playlist

DAY6 - I wait

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