03 the unfortunate stranger

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warning: the following contains violence and other mature contents. If you don't like blood in your stories, then this is not for you.


Looking at the mess I made, I frowned. It would be too time-consuming to clean it. I knew it was time to move.

Only the essentials were brought including the jar and of what remained of my dearly departed friend. It was fortunate that he could fit in a luggage. He lost a lot of weight so it was easier to handle him.

I took one last look of what I called my home for years. This was goodbye to everything that made me human. I will never be the same. My luggage was the proof of that.

I put my things in my car and went on the road. In the dead of night, I searched for the best place to throw the remains. I drove for hours, calmly looking around my surroundings.

Finally, I found a place to say goodbye to my dear friend. I did not bother removing the body from the luggage and simply left it in the middle of nowhere.

My heart felt at ease once I left. Nothing was holding me back anymore. I smiled and hummed a tune as I drove.

Who would have thought that I would come across a hitch hiker. I slowed down and put down my windows.

A cute male walked closer to my car and smiled awkwardly.

"Need a ride?" I smiled.

He looked relieved when he saw me. I was younger than him and looked decent.

"Yeah. My friends thought it would be funny to ditch me." He scratched the back of his head ass he explained to me.

I unlocked the car door and closed the window. He gingerly got in and smiled in relief. It was a lot warmer inside the car compared to outside. It was in the middle of the autumn season.

"Thanks" He said to me as he warmed himself up and I drove on.

We were able to be amiable to each other while I drove. Through the side of my eye, I could see that he has a nice face to look at. He was around the same height as me, judging from the way our shoulders were almost aligned.

"Where should I drop you off?" I asked.

"Anywhere in town. I can managed from there."

I really did think that one simple act of kindness would not bring trouble to me. But karma was a bitch. He was too curious for his own good.

Before I realized what he was doing, I hear him scream and pointed at the jars behind me.

"Oh fuck! Are those fingers! Oh shit! Is that a heart! I think I'm going to be sick." He looked like he was going to vomit.

I had forgotten about hiding them well.

As he went hysterical, I took the opportunity to grab his hair and smash his face on the dashboard. I had a feeling that he would be a messy guy to deal with.

Instead of heading straight to town, I settled down to a motel and dragged him to the farthest room from the other guests.

I wasn't happy with this one. I looked again at his face and felt bad for ruining it. But, it must be done.

My skills were not good so I did a botch job as I skinned. His skin felt good to the touch but lost it's luster when peeled.

I was only in the beginning stages when I heard sirens. I stopped and rushed to the windows. It seemed someone from the motel noticed something.

I rushed out of the room, not bothering to see the state of my latest victim. I am sure he will not last long.

Another one has been added to my collection and I drove with no destination in mind.


the playlist:


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