Chapter Two

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Please don't murder me-

Unedited because I am lazy no excuses

Chapter Two- Remember Keith


Keith was doing better, he was eating and talking to people at least. The only problem was the Blue Lion. She wouldn't respond to anyone. Allura tried to pilot her but once she stepped out of the lion she put her shield up and refused to let anyone in. "Guys! I found Lotors' ship!" Pidge ran in the room with her laptop in hand. She was going to fall if Shiro didn't catch her. "Ah thanks!" She smiled and ran over to Keith who was running to her as well. "He had some type of block on it so I couldn't find it!" Everyone gathered around Pidge who was typing swiftly.

"Is he far from us? Do we need to worm hole?" Keith asked clenching his fist. "No! He is maybe a few vargas away!" Keith ran to get suit up. Allura smiled and did as well. "Does he know you hacked the block?" Shiro wanted to make sure they had the element of surprise on their side. "No not yet, but we had better hurry if we don't want him to." Shiro nodded. "Okay everyone else get ready! We have a prince to rescue."


"Really? How am I going to regret that?" Lance raised an eyebrow, he wasn't scared of Lotor more annoyed of him. Lotor let out a growl and grabbed his arm. "Lets go pay a visit to the witch." Lance was a bit threatened now but he wasn't going to let Lotor know that. "You won't break me!" Lance shouted at him as he was being pulled down the long hallway. "Oh I know that, so I am going to have to do this the hard way." Lotor's grip on Lance tightened as he jerked him forward a bit more.

Lance struggled to get out if his grip but Lotor wasn't having that. "If you don't stop I will hurt you." His voice was low and dangerous. "I'm not scared of you!" Lotor stopped and turned around. "I never wanted you to be scared of me, I just want you to love me is all." Lance give him a poker face. "Mhm." Lotor dug his nails into Lance's skin. "And since you won't love me willingly the way you are now I have to do extra work!"

"Lotor, I never noticed this till now but you seem bipolar, you should really see someone about that." Lance laughed at himself a bit and yelped when Lotor broke skin with his sharp claws. "You make me this way." He replied threw clenched teeth. Finally they reached Haggers room. Loud female screams could be heard from outside of the room. "Hagger!" Lotor yelled to the old witch. The screams suddenly stopped and the doors opened to reveal the witch. "What- Have you brought me a paladin?" She smirked under her hood. "Yes and no, I need you to do something for me."


"How much longer till we reach his ship." Keith asked standing behind Allura. "Not too much longer." She responded to him. "I hope he's okay." Hunk mumbled looking out the window. "He will be, Lance is tough! He goes hi-YA" Coran jumped in front of Hunk yelling making Hunk yelp and jump back. Everyone let out a small laugh and watched as Hunk almost went into tears over the mini heart attack. Suddenly the screen in the room lit up with Kolivan. "Paladins! Is Keith in the room?" Everyone ran over to the screen and Keith stepped in front. "I'm here!" He said looking at Kolivan. He was doing much better from when Jessica attacked him.

"We found your mother, she was set on a pod." Keith smiled and let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "But she told us the Prince was there, and well something terrible has happened."


"You want me to erase his memory?" Hagger asked in a 'Wtf' voice. "Just part of, up until my father attack. If he doesn't remember voltron and the current paladins that leaves voltron without the blue paladin and the blue lion which means they can't form it." Lotor smirked and glanced at Lance who was strapped down on the table. "Keith is going to beat the shit out of you!" Lotor chuckled. "You won't remember him." There was a galra women chained on the other side of the room. "Keith?" She whispered. "I will! I will remember him!" Lance shouted again tears welling up in his eyes. "That galra hybrid will be clear out of your mind and you won't think about him ever again! How wonderful!"

Hagger thought for a moment and then nodded. "As you wish Prince, now leave so I can preform the task." Lotor nodded and walked over to Lance. "I'll see you soon gem." He chuckled again and walked out of the room smirking. Hagger turned to the Blades leader. "Now you, I'll have you send a message to voltron, but first let me finished this up."

The one thing Lance kept mumbling before the purple lights started to glow was. "Remember Keith, Remember Keith." Then the lights came towards him. "Remember Keith."


Wooooopppp I had this planned for so long like holy shit it felt so good to finally type this out. But also don't kill me. um yea so yet

Words- 903

Forgotten Memories- Altean Lance x Galra Keith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now