Chapter Three

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Rescue time binch-

Also did I mention that Keith change to full on galra, in between, and human? No okay. Well he can fight me-

Unedited because I cry that there was no Klance in season four well keith leaving was for lance and no one can tell me otherwise okay gay shit now

cough a lot of flash backs in this chapter

also italics means flash back aahah or memory

Chapter Three-He's gone



Lance smiled as he held the red key chain in front of his face, it was the best birthday present he had ever gotten from anyone. Keith walked in Lance's room and saw him looking at the half heart. "You really like that?" Lance fell off his bed hearing his lovers voice. "Keith!" Lance did a pose and acted cool. "You're such a dork." Keith laughed at him. "But to answer your question, yes. Its the best thing I have ever received in my entire life!" Lance got up and sat on his bed. "I doubt the best thing you have received." Keith took a seat next to him and kissed his cheek.

"It is and nobody can tell me otherwise!" Keith rolled his eyes and laughed again, Lance smirked and tackle hugged Keith. "I love you Keif!" Keith yelped and blushed at the unexpected attack. Lance had both of hands on Keith waist and smiled sweetly. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance and leaned in to kiss him. "I love you too." He mumbled before kissing the altean boy passionately.


Lance woke up sitting up quickly. Where was he and who was Keith? Why had he dreamed about him? Was that a memory or a dream? Suddenly the door opened to reveal Lotor with a smile on his face. "Hello gem, you're finally awake." He walked over to Lance with a glass of water. "Yea, what happened?" He asked taking the water Lotor handed him. "You don't remember?" Lotor asked with a surprise face. Lance shook his head and Lotor chuckled. "Of course you did take a hard hit. You got into another fight with Allura and went to come see me but some bandits attacked you."

Lance nodded his head. "Oh- ouch." Lance winced and touched the burned symbol on his neck. He felt it and recognized it as the galra symbol. "Lo how did I get this mark?" Lotor stood there for a second. He missed Lance calling him that. "I was hoping you could tell me that." Lance shook his head and was greatly confused. The he realized his sister must be worried along with his father and mother. "Does my family know that I'm okay?" Lotor shushed him and nodded.

"Yes they do. Everything is okay." Lance put his arms out asking for a hug. Lotor went over and hugged him. He got what he wanted, he smirked and let out a happy sigh. Lotor pulled away from the hug and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Lotor stared at other Prince. Lance was different from most alteans. His markings were beautiful and stunning, he didn't have two little markings underneath his eyes. No this boy had them all over his body.

He them on his arms, shoulder blades, legs, stomach, everywhere. They were a bright blue color they had a slight glow to them. Lance growing up had always been self conscious of them. It wasn't that alteans didn't get markings like this, they did it was rare but they did. It was mostly females that got these types of markings, so everyone was shocked to see Lance had gotten them. "You are just beautiful darling." Lance looked away and blushed, but that ended quickly when a pounding headache hit him.


"Why are you always so shy to change around me?" Keith teased the prince as he pulled his jacket tighter around him. "I'm not shy.."  Lance bit the inside of his cheek avoiding eye contact. "Then what is it?" Keith realized he shouldn't have teased him about this. "I- most alteans don't having markings like I do so I'm not really-" Lance sighed and took off his jacket, his shirt coming off right after. Keith stared in awe at Lance. It was liked he glowed, The sliver haired boy avoid eye contact as his boyfriend eyed him. "Amazing.." Lance turned to him, shocked. "What?" Keith smiled and started to lightly trace his hands over the markings. "The markings you have are really pretty."


"Gem what is the matter?" Lotor asked noticing Lance face scrunched up in pain. "Nothing I have a headache. Lance didn't want to mention the weird thing he just remember. Was that a memory? Who was that, it was the same person from his dream. "You did just wake up, maybe you should eat something. I'll get you something." Lance nodded his head weakly and watched as Lotor got up. The galra prince kissed Lance on the lips quickly before leaving the room. Usually Lance would enjoy attention from him like that, yet it felt wrong when he kissed him.

Lance shrugged it off, but it was weird. Lotor never gave him attention like this, barely showed him affection. So why is he being so nice to him? He would talk to him about it later. Allura would always worry when he was left alone with him. Sometimes Lance would come back with bruises or cuts. Lance angered him over stuff a lot. Lance thought he deserved whatever Lotor threw at him. He was lucky Lotor even liked him. That was the mindset Lance had with him. He was a broken boy.


Lance and Lotor walked around the ship. "Its amazing, all the upgrades you given since I have last seen you." Lance gawked at the new advancements. "Yes but look at the view, that is my favorite part about this area." Lotor turned to the guards nodded. His generals exited the room a few snickers escaped a couple of them. Without Lance knowing the screen was turned on but he couldn't see that the screen was on.

At the castle of lions a call came in from Lotors ship. "Answer it!" Keith yelled running into the room as he heard the ringing sounding threw the castle. Allura nodded and pressed the button looking at the screen. It was Lance, he was with Lotor. "I've never seen a galaxy so pretty." Lance smiled nuzzling into Lotors embrace. The galra prince turned to the camera and smirked. Keith was screaming. "Lance! Lance, you fucker look at me!" He screamed trying to get his attention. "Yes, neither have I." Allura couldn't believe it, her brother was allowing Lotor to touch him, but then again him memory had been wiped. Pidge looked at Lance and noticed the mark the side of neck. "Guys look at that."   

"Is that a burn mark?" Hunk questioned. "That's a branding mark." Shiro muttered out. Keith was now full on screaming, his voice hurt but he didn't care. "Lance! Come on!" Only Lotor could hear them, he just chuckled. "Gem."  Allura cringed at the name, if anyone said that pet name around Lance he would flip. "Hm?" Lance hummed out smiling softly. Lotor grabbed Lances chinned and tilted so now that he was looking up at him. "Do you love me?" Lotor side glanced to the screen.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" Lotor smirked and leaned down giving Lance a sweet kiss. "Just making sure."

Keith was silent. "Lance could you step out for a moment, I have a call I need to make." Lance nodded his face flushed. Lance did as told and left the room the door shutting behind him. "Well Paladins, how do you feel knowing that Lance doesn't remember you? Especially the red one." Lotor chuckled and stared at directly at Allura. "If you hurt him again I swear-" Lotor rolled his eyes and cut her off. "He will be fine as long as he does what he is told, but then again he never did listen to me huh?" Lotor ended the call.

"Keith?" Shiro asked putting a hand on his shoulder. "He said he loved him." Keith laughed a bit. "He doesn't remember what he did Keith he doesn't know." Keith started to laugh scaring everyone a bit until he broke down into a sob. "He is gone." Keith covered his face and cried. It finally hit the team, the Lance they knew was gone. Would they get him back?


Hahah pls don't beat me.

Word count- 1426

Forgotten Memories- Altean Lance x Galra Keith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now