Chapter Four

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I'm still angry about season four-

Not edited because I'm lazy

{Chapter Four:--}


Lance stared out the window sadly. He missed Allura and the rest of his family, he didn't even care what they were fighting about he would say sorry and get over it. "Gem whats wrong?" Lotor sat next to the Altean Prince and wrapped an arm around him. "Can I talk to Allura?" He mumbled softly. Lotor let out a sigh, he knew Lance would want to talk to her sooner or later. "Yes. Later." Lotor turned his head to one of his generals , they nodded and walked out. If she wanted to see Lance and talk to him, Allura was going to have to play by his rules. "Okay." Lance winced at another one of his headaches


"Shiro, I need you to keep Keith away from the control room for about a good hour please." She asked the team leader. "Yea, why?" He questioned her. "Because Lotor will let me talk to him but only me, and I have to act as if everything is okay. If I can wait long enough Pidge can get a location on them, but if Keith walks in." Shiro nodded understanding her request now. "Okay, when are you going to talk to him." Suddenly the screen flashed signalling someone was calling. "Now." She smiled shoving Shiro out of the room the door sliding behind him. Allura sighed softly walking over to screen and clicking the button to answer.

"Allura!" Lance smiled at his sister. "Hi Lance." She smiled back at him but then frowned slightly as she saw the burn mark and several other cuts and bruises on Lance's body. "How is everything in the castle? Where is Mother and Father?" He said looking behind her trying to see if anyone else was there. "They are out at the moment, won't be back for a little bit." Lance sighed his mood dropped a bit. He was hoping to see his mother. "How are you? Is he treating okay?" Allura glared at Lotor who was waving to her in the background. "Yea, its fine." He said avoiding the subject.

Lance started to ramble on about random things like usual and how he misses his mothers and his weird headaches. Allura sat and listened to him go on about whatever he wanted. Suddenly there was loud yelling behind Allura and Keith busted into the room with Shiro trailing behind him, "Lotor I will kill you! Lance Babe its me!" He ran up to the screen tears welling up in Keith's eyes as he got closer. 

Lance was was confused for a second. He had seen this person somewhere before, but where? "Keith come on!" The other male yelled. "K-Keith?" Lance mumbled to himself, Lotor watched for a second, he wanted to see what would happen. "Keith? Keith Kogane?" Lance blinked a couple of times. "Samurai?" He smiled awkwardly at the camera. Lotor stood up and jerked Lance away from the camera shutting it down. Keith stood still for a moment. Everyone was silent. "Shiro did he just say?" Shiro nodded slowly. "He remembers some things! HIs memory isn't fully gone!" 

A few seconds later Pidge came in the room with her tablet. "I got the location!


Lotor watched Lance as he looked down at the ground. "I don't know him, the name just popped up in my head is all." Lotor raised an eyebrow at him and shook his head. "Why should I believe you?" He growled, he walked over to Lance and kneel down. He put his hand under his chin forcing Lance to look him. "Because I love you and only you." Lance didn't really feel that way, after seeing that person named Keith he felt more of an attraction to him, Lance was just scared of Lotor. "Do you now?" Lance nodded slowly. "Hm, alright." 


Sorry for shortnessssss

I've had stuff going on

Word Count- 645

Forgotten Memories- Altean Lance x Galra Keith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now