Chapter Six

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I am so happy that everyone liked last chapter here is a early update for you all

not edited 


Lance was confused, hearing about his parents death all over again was terrible for him as well, knowing what Lotor has done to everyone and his sister he felt like puking. He had done it with Lotor during his stay an he felt guilty about it. Lance wasn't going to tell Keith. Speaking about him.  Keith seemed so familiar and the more he was around him the worse his headache got, but he didn't mind that being around him also made him and it was very comfortable. "So Lotor wiped my memories?" The altean prince spoke up and broke the silence. "Yes, but I am sure you will regain them from what you have told us, your dreams were memories with Keith." Allura smiled and patted her brothers back. "Keith take him to your shared room please he needs rest." Keith nodded and started to walk into the hallway.

Lance got up and quickly caught up to Keith. Lance didn't understand Keith. He was quiet and didn't think he would be the cuddle and affectionate type. Keith stopped and the door opened up to the room. "If you want I can move my stuff to another room-" 

"Its fine, I want you here." Lance said grabbing Keith's hand. He didn't know why he did but it just felt right to him. Keith gave a soft smile and nodded. "Okay." He replied. Both of the males walked into the room and sat down on the bed. "I can't really remember a lot about you, ya know just bits and pieces." Lance looked at Keith in the eyes, his eyes were so pretty. A deep violet that would just make anyone melt. "Okay well I can tell you a few things about when we first meant." Lance nodded. "So you basically hated me at first, didn't trust me because you didn't trust galra. Once you got to know me a bit you totally fell for me." Lance laughed and shook his head. "You also loved to make fun of my hair by calling me mullet." 

"Well your hair is a mullet so." Keith chuckled. "Usually after training we would come back here and just lay together talking about random things. You loved to tell me about Altea and your parents, then you would ask me things about earth and I would answer them yet you would still have more questions about everything." Keith sighed and laid back on the bed. "That sounds nice." Lance spoke softly. "I never really had a home on earth, you made me feel like I had one here." 


Lotor growled as he looked around the ship. He ran to the room where Lance was being kept. He was praying Lance would still be there, but he knew the chances of that. The door opened to reveal an empty room. "Gem are you hiding? If so come out!" Lotor hollered checking every hiding spot in the room. He started to panic. They took his gem, his prize. Lotor let out a loud yell as he started to destroy the room. The galra prince only had one thing on his mind. To kill Keith. Kill Keith and he got his Gem back once and for all. 


Lance and Keith had fallen asleep together and somehow ended up cuddling each other. Lance opened his eyes and saw that Keith's face was right in front of his. Lance thought for a moment. He remembered Keith telling him silly earth stories about princess waking up by a prince's kiss. Maybe he could get his memories back the same way....

Lance took a deep breath and leaned in slowly getting closer to him he pressed his lips against Keith's and closed his eyes. 


Boom a short update because I took forever to update, also this should be good til i get wifi Monday. 

Forgotten Memories- Altean Lance x Galra Keith FanficWhere stories live. Discover now