Chapter 7

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hewwo i am back! I haven't watched season 7 or 8 and season 6 is a big blur to me sooooo :p anyway enjoy and tell me if my writing has improved any!

Chapter 7 (Something just like this)


When Keith woke up Lance was in a very pouty mood. He found it cute once he found out why. Apparently when he was sleeping the prince tried to kiss him thinking that his memories would return.  Keith couldn't hold back his laughs. "Lance this isn't some old earth fairy tale. Your memories will come back soon, we just have to give it time." Lance groaned and covered his face with a pillow. He didn't like this feeling of being unsure and lost, plus he had to re-mourn the death of parents on top of all this. It was just a big emotional roller coaster for him. "Keith this is all messed up." Lance replied to his boyfriend. 

"Well yea, Loturd took your memories of me and the rest of the paladins and tricked you into thinking you two were still dating. On top of that he fucking mentally abused!" Keith growled his facing turning into a scowl. Lance sighed and moved his hands start to messing with galras big fluffy ears. Almost instantly Keith calmed down and started purring. A snicker left the alteans mouth. The two just laid in silence together enjoying each other's company. Each of them having a million thoughts running threw their heads. 

"Seriously what made you think a fairy tale kiss would work?"

"I was trying anything I could think of!" 


Allura was in the com room working on the ship's system. "Allura!" She heard her brother call for her. Turning around she smiled seeing her brother walking into the room holding hands with Keith. "Hello Lance what's going on?" The white haired female replied happily. "Wheres blue? I wanna see her! I had a flashback to me flying her! Maybe if I see her more memories will come back to me." Lance shouted excited to see the big lion once again. "She should be in her hanger, it's unlocked so you can go on and see her." Lance nodded and turned running down the hallway dragging Keith along with him. Allura chuckled seeing her brother so chipper for once. Things were slowly going back to normal, well as normal as they could be. 

Keith nearly tripped a couple of times as he was being pulled along. The two passed Shiro in the hallway with him giving them a weird look. But eventually, they got the blue lions hanger. As soon as the Prince entered the room Blues eyes lit up with life. Her shield came down instantly. Lance hesitantly let go of the other male's hand and slowly made his way towards the big battle lion. Keith crossed his arms smiling as he watched his boyfriend. "Hi girl." Lance mumbled out. Blue seemed to understand and her eyes grew brighter. "I don't remember a lot about me flying with you, but I was thinking maybe if I saw you I might remember more.." The altean felt kind of dumb talking to her like this but it also felt right. 

The beast's mouth opened inviting Lance inside. He turned to Keith questioning if he should go in. "Go on Lance, she might wanna show you something." He replied to the questioning male. Lance nodded in response and walked inside of blue. As soon as he walked in her mouth shut and she started to take off. 

"Blue no-!" 


I KNOW the uPDate is short but I need to rebuild the PlOT SO GIVE ME SOMETIME. I hope this was enough to keep yall happy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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