Starring Role;; Henry Bowers

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(This is based off the song "Starring Role by marina and the diamond, I suggest listening to it while reading!)

Not edited I'm to lazy rn lmao

    You covered yourself with the sheets of his bed while he stood there getting dressed. You starred at the boy in awe as his back was turned to you; You were in love with Henry bowers, But the feeling wasn't mutual. You were Henry's "Play toy",That's what he and his friends consider you to be. The sound of a husky voice pulled you from your intense stare.

  "Are you gonna stare at me all day or get dressed and leave?" He said rolling his eyes, The comment didn't really settle with you. The tears in your eyes were hard to choke back but you could not let him see you cry. You stood from the bed and walked over to the pile of clothes that were torn off of your body. Bending down to grab the clothing you felt a hand groping you from behind

  "You might wanna hurry up and get dressed doll face, The boys will be here soon and I don't want them seeing you like this now do we?" He said with the smirk you could never resist. In a hurry you were dressed and hurried down the stairs to be faced with the 3 boys; in the front was the tall and lanky boy Patrick Hockstetter; He always would wink and give you the most devilish smirks in the hall, But now since your messing around with Henry it has gotten worse.

"Excuse me" you mumbled squeezing past the boys in a hurry; the moment you hit the front porch you heard whistling and howling coming from the boys.


You woke up and sluggishly walked to the close; you pulled out the first thing you saw and threw it on. Today was going to suck, You planed on avoiding Henry and his whole "Gang". The cold air of Derry hit you as you walked your way to school, The sound of Belch's old bet up car was getting closer and closer; you started walking faster an faster. You felt your whole body collapse; you tripped over your own foot, You knew you were done; You heard the sound of the old breaks come to a stop.

"Oh darling I know you love to be on your knees but it's rude to be in public" Patrick said snickering from rear of the car. You got up and pretend to not hear the disgusting comment from the boys. You continued your walk to school with the beat up car trailing your every move. The sounds of Whistling and disgusting comments filled your ears.

"Can you guys please fuck off already." You snapped at the group of boys; you can tell by the looks on their faces that they weren't to thrilled with your comment. Henry hopped out of the car walking over to you in a hurry; he grabbed your face and brought it close to his

"Sweetheart I don't think you know who you're talking to; Remember, I own you" He said letting go of your face throwing you back a little . He started walking away until he turned around and licked his hand and smeared it all over your face. You couldn't believe this was the boy you fell In love with; But you meant nothing in his eyes.

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